Friday, 18 January 2013

English Bulletin - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church bulletin

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – January 20, 2013


Prayer for Unity of Christians    The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be held from January 20 - 27.  All are invited to join with brothers and sisters of various Churches in ecumenical celebrations throughout the Archdiocese.  Come together as Christians, in prayer and song, giving witness to unity as followers of Christ.  The theme is “What does God require of us?” (Micah 6:6-8).     More info on or see notice board for details.


Catholics Come Home


(A)      If you have been away from the church, we welcome you back.  Perhaps you may like to know:-


*         You are not alone.  We as a community, we will walk with you and pray for you.

*         A free weekly “BC Catholic” will be mailed to you.  Please sign up at the Info Counter.

*         If you have any question about our church, look for our volunteer with a “Ask me” tag.

*         Confession is a way to be reconciled with God. It is proper to have confession before receiving Communion at Mass.

*         Our church is open during office hour.  You are welcome to pray here in weekdays.

*         Visit


(b)      Are you concerned about family and friends who aren’t practicing their faith?

(1) Prayer Box: Write their names down and put it into the box.  Mass will be offered for your intention. “There is nothing impossible for God.”

(2) Video:  Share a Catholics Come Home video and evangelize those you love, in just three simple steps:-

          1.       Go to

          2.       Click a button to share a Catholics Come Home video with friends and family.

          3.       Pray for conversions.


(C)     Please Support:  You can help offset the cost of the TV commercials by using the special collection envelopes in your pew or parish office or donate online at

Life in the Spirit Seminar     Canadian Martyrs Prayer Group will hold a 4-week seminar at 7:00 p.m. every Saturday from Feb 2-23 at the parish hall.  Our members will be at the foyer after the Mass to answer your questions and distribute registration forms.


Youth Ministry         “Year of Faith” Retreat (Cantonese) will be held on Feb 3 (Sun) 1:00-5:00 p.m. in collaboration with WCCCLC.  Please refer to notice board for details.  All youths are welcome.


2013 Donation Envelope  is now available at the foyer. It will be reassigned to the needy ones if you do not claim it by the end of this month.


Lunar New Year Dinner will be held on Feb 17  (Sun) evening.  Your donation of new items for raffle will be appreciated.  Please drop them to the parish office.  Ticket $38 for adult and $28 for children will be available next week.


Chinese New Year Cakes    Last chance for your order.  Please place it before 11:45 a.m. Sunday.


CM Voice                The Jan and Feb issue has been printed, please get one at the Info Counter.

Is God Calling You to the Permanent Diaconate  Men between the ages of 30 and 60,  would you like to know more about the Permanent Diaconate?  This new ministry in our Archdiocese is open to both single and married men. You (and your wife) are invited to hear Archbishop Miller speak at an information session at Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre, 3690 -152 St., Surrey, on  Feb 10 (Sun) at 1:30 pm.


Migrants and Refugees, Welcome Home   Archbishop J. Michael Miller CSB will celebrate Holy Mass for migrants and refugees at the Holy Rosary Cathedral this Sunday, Jan 20 at 2:30 p.m.  All are welcome.  A cultural reception will follow in the cathedral hall.


Vocation Live-In     Feb 15 - 17.  For boys or young men interested in the priesthood or the consecrated life, at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission, BC.  For more info, call 604-826-8715.


Red Mass for the Legal and Judicial Community   Jan 24 (Thu) at 5:10 pm at Holy Rosary Cathedral in Vancouver.  Main celebrant is Cardinal Collins of Toronto.  Visit


World Day for Consecrated Life    Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, on Feb 2 (Sat) at 7 p.m. at Corpus Christi Parish, 6350 Nanaimo Street, Vancouver.

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