Friday 20 December 2013

English Bulletin for 4th Advent

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church Bulletin

Fourth Sunday of Advent – December 22, 2013


Christmas Mass (Day of Obligation)


Dec 24 (Tue) 8:00 p.m.      Christmas Family Mass (Eng/Chn)

                    10:15 p.m.    Christmas Caroling

                    11:00 p.m.    Christmas Eve Mass (Eng/Chn)


Dec 25 (Wed)9:30 a.m.     Mass in Chinese

                    11:30 a.m.    Mass in English


Mary, the Holy Mother of God (Day of Obligation)


Jan 1 (Wed)  9:30 a.m.      Mass in Chinese

                    11:30 a.m.    Mass in English


Christmas Gift         Religious items can remind people the true meaning of Christmas.  Come to our Gift Shop and take a look.

We miss you this Christmas     In his recent apostolic exhortation, Pope Francis asked us to "Go forth from our own comfort zone" in order to reach others.  Christmas is a natural opportunity to invite non-practicing Catholics to reconnect with their faith. Why not invite one person to Mass at Christmas; what greater gift is there than Jesus?


First Friday Mass & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament   Jan 3 (Fri).  Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:00 am to 7:45 pm. Vocations hour at 6 pm, Benediction at 7:45 pm followed by Mass in Cantonese at 8:00 p.m.  Please sign up at the Info Counter. Divine Mercy Devotion  will be held at 7:20 pm.  Prayer intentions will be offered in the Mass.


Wedding Anniversary Celebration on Holy Family Sunday      For registered couples who still have not received call from our volunteers, please contact Parish Office at 604-272-5563 at your earliest convenience .


Tutoring Class         for calculus, AP calculus, physics and math for university 1st year, Grade 11 & 12, starting Jan 6 (Mon).  Full information is displayed on the poster at Info Counter.   Please register in advance.


Photography Exhibition      will be held during Christmas on Dec 24 from 7:30 pm - 1:00 am and 25th at 9:00 am - 1:00 pm.  There will be photo sale and voting for "My Favourite Photo" to raise funds for the church.  Please support.


Chinese New Year Cakes   To celebrate the Year of the Horse, our volunteers will make and sell quality traditional Chinese New Year cakes.  We will take orders only on Dec 28, 29 and 2014 Jan 4, 5 after Sat evening Masses and Sunday Masses before noon. Thank you for your support.  Volunteers are welcome. Please contact Salina 604-729-9298.


TAX DEDUCTIBLE FOR 2013      Remember your pledge in Project Advance?  Please go online donation at to ensure your donation be tax deductible for this year. 24 Hours for World Peace      Online Vigil by sharing messages of peace and solidarity on a world scale who wish for peace are invited to sign up on in order to receive message of peace by email throughout the 24 hours of the first day of the year, Jan 1st. 


Donations to the Men's Hostel      Host over 100 men daily at our Catholic Charities emergency homeless shelter.  They are in need of winter socks, underwear, hoodies, jackets, umbrellas and your prayers.  Please drop off your gifts at 150 Robson Street, Vancouver or call 604-443-3292 or email 


Red Mass and Dinner        Join Archbishop Michael Miller, CSB and special guest for dinner, Rev. Thomas Rosica, CSB for Mass on Jan 16 at 5:10 p.m. at Holy Rosary Cathedral followed by dinner at Vancouver Club.  Tickets will be available online.


100th World Day of Migrants and Refugees  Archbishop J. Michael Miller will celebrate Mass on Jan 19 (Sun), 2:30 p.m. at Holy Rosary Cathedral in 22 languages.  Gather together as One Family with the theme this year "Towards a Better World"  Reception to follow.  All are welcome.


Winter Institute        One-day faith formation and ministry training for RCIA, PREP, LWC and Youth Ministry.  Topics include: Core Catholic Life, Volunteer Management, Stewardship, Basics of the Faith and more.  Jan 25 (Sat) at Holy Cross Secondary School in Vancouver from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. cost $35 before Jan 17, includes lunch.  For more info and register, visit


Meet Your Relatives - Grassroots Ecumenism  Archdiocese of Vancouver and Anglican Diocese of New Westminster are hosting a series of gatherings that will help build relationship and friendship, and will help Catholics and Anglicans to grow together in faith, love and service as valued members of the Body of Christ. The first gathering will be part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Jan 26 (Sun) 2 to 4 p.m. at St. Helen's Parish, Burnaby. More info: Marjeta Bobnar at 604-683-0281 ext. 229 or

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