Thursday 20 November 2014

Sunday bulletin - Solemnity of Christ the King

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Parish News

Solemnity of Christ the King – Nov. 23, 2014



Extra-Ordinary Ministers for Holy Communion (EMHC)      

We give thanks to our present EMHC whose term of service is completed with the end of this liturgical year.  As the new group will start next Sunday, I ask that you keep them in your prayer.


Remembrance Of All Souls  

November is the month to remember all our departed family members, brothers & sisters and friends.  Please pick the “All Souls Day Remembrance” envelopes and drop into the collection basket during Mass or return to parish office. One Mass per envelope will be offered except indicated.


First Friday Mass & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament   

Dec 5 (Fri).  Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:00 am to 7:45 pm. Vocations hour at 6:00 p.m., Benediction at 7:45 p.m. followed by Mass in Cantonese at 8:00 p.m.  Please sign up at the Info Counter.


Wedding Anniversary Celebration on Holy Family Sunday

Dec 27, during 5:00 p.m. Mass

Dec 28, during 8:15, 10:00 & 11:45 a.m. Masses

Whether you’re celebrating your wedding anniversary for the 5th year or a multiple of 5 (i.e. 10th, 15th, 20th ... or 50th & above) in 2014, come and join the Renewal of Marriage Vow and receive Blessings from God.  Registration starts now until Dec 7.


Year of Hope Christmas Party   

Dec 13 (Sat), 6:30 p.m. at our parish hall.  A joyful evening with live entertainment and gourmet sit-down dinner!  And of course with santa’s coming to our parish.  Tickets are available now.  $20 for adult and $15 for children (age 12 and under) and full time student.  Remember to get your tickets early before they sell out.


New Sunday Missal is now available for sale.


Mandarin Class 

will start from Dec 6, every Saturday at 2:00-3:00 Room C.  Please enroll in advance.


CM Voice            

Nov/Dec issue has been printed.  Please pick up at the Info Counter.


Project Advance 

Please go online for your pledge.


Living with Christ”    

Give yourself or others this perfect gift of faith all year round.  Subscription form for this Canadian daily missal is available at the info counter.


Advance English with Soft Skills Program    

will commence on the first week of  November, Wed 4:00-6:00 p.m. or Sat 2:00-4:00 p.m. for grade 3-10.  Please register at parish counter, 9:00-11:00 a.m. (Mon - Fri).


Archbishop's Annual Mass for Life 

Join Archbishop Michael Miller, CSB for his Annual Mass for life.  Nov 29 (Sat) at Holy Rosary Cathedral, Rosary at 6:30pm, Mass at 7pm.  Reception to follow in the hall.  Donation of finger foods would be appreciated.


Aid to the Church in Need Pamphlets  

ACN is an international pontifical organization that has helped the poor and persecuted Church since 1947, focusing much of its support on Christians in the Middle East who are persecuted because of their faith, and where the Church is too poor to fulfill her mission. ACN offers help in the way of shelter, food, medical support and comfort to those in need.  It helps support schooling for refugee children who, without education, may not even dream of a potentially better future.  Pamphlets for Aid to the Church in Need can be found in the information box near the office counter.


Making your Will             

Our legal title is “Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver as represented by Canadian Martyrs Parish.”

Thinking of the Seafarers at Christmas 

Please extend an act of God's love to sailors who will be spending their Christmas in Vancouver, away from their families. Christmas gifts are a warm, caring and loving way to make a sailor's loneliness more tolerable.  Tired of shopping?  Just make a cheque out to “Archdiocese of Vancouver,” put “Sailors Gift” on the memo line and we’ll do the shopping for you, bringing a gift to the sailors. Please mail your cheque to 150 Robson Street, c/o Finance Office.  A charitable receipt will be issued for donations of $20 or more. Donations can also be made online at

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