Friday, 17 August 2012

English Bulletin - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church bulletin ..

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Aug 20, 2012


Adult Catechism (RCIA) 2012-2013

For inquirers and Catholics preparing for confirmation.

In Cantonese          from Sep 12 (every Wednesday) 7-9 p.m.

In English                from Sep 13 (every Thursday)     7-8:30 p.m.

In Mandarin           from Sep 15 (every Saturday)     3-5 p.m.


Children Catechism  PREP in English classes for Gr 1-7 will start on Sep 12 (every Wed) from 7 - 8:15 pm. It is the parents’ duties to send their children to be formed in faith, including First Communion and Confirmation.


YFFP (PREP for Secondary School  Students) is now accepting registrations for next school year 2012-13.  Classes will be held every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.  Please register at the Info Counter.


The Great Adventure – Acts (The Spread of the Kingdom)

In the coming Year of the Faith, let us learn the faith from our Apostles through the Book of Acts of the Apostles.  Class starts from Sep 21, 2012 through Mar 22, 2013, every Fridays except First Friday.  Let us “Walk the Talk”  Registration starts on Aug 25.  $35 include workbook.

Parish Picnic Beautiful photos of the picnic have been posted in our parish website under “Parish Events”.


Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Symptoms of a Culture of Death

Did you know that, on March 22, 2012, the Select Committee on Dying with Dignity recommended that the Quebec Government should introduce, by June 2013, a bill recognizing “Medical assistance in dying” - which means euthanasia and assisted suicide - as ?appropriate care at the end of life? Contact Catholic Organization for Life and Family 604-241-9461 ext. 161 or


Project Advance

-Parish goal: $168,000, of which $39,000 goes to the Archdiocese and $129,000 for debt repayment.

-Suggestion: $432 for each family or $36/month for 12 months.

          1. Take a pocket flyer home; or

          2. Go online

-Pledge up to-date: $137,916 (82%)

Every gift makes a difference - every gift counts. Summer Sale


Aug 25 (Sat)10:00 am - 3:00 pm.  Rental table at $25 are still available. Please pick up a form from the Info Counter.  Donation of new items is welcome. Please drop off your donation at the office by this Thursday.  Come & enjoy the food, friendship, and sale items from 20 rental tables.


CWL “A Glimpse of Africa”   is a fund-raising event for charity on Oct 6 (Sat) at 5:30 - 10:00 p.m. featuring African dance, songs and food.  Tickets will be available for sale every Sunday starting Aug 19.


Ear/Hands Reflexology Class     Saturday, Sep 22 to Oct 13, 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.  Massaging the ears/hands to improve your health.  Please call Mabel for registration from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. or 604-808-9600 after 10:00 a.m.


Congratulations to our Newly Weds

James Sik Jim Mah & Wendy Yuen Wah Lee

Felix Ho Lun Chui & Kaman Law

Jonathan Joy Yan Chin & Roberta Chan


Triduum of Talks on the Divine Mercy The Brothers of the Merciful Jesus are a religious community who promote the message of Divine Mercy. Fr. Julia Maria, the co-founder and well-received homilist, will be at Immaculate Conception Parish, Delta for a three days of talks.  He will speak after the 8:15 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Masses on Aug 20-22.


Archdiocesan Summer Institute   Faith formation topics include: Basics of the Faith & Discovering the Gospels. Ministry training offered for RCIA and PREP. New course on learning new mobile media, such as facebook, sms, twitter, etc. Aug 25 (Sat) at St. Patrick’s Secondary School. Cost $35. Visit


WCCCLC 2012       Theme “Blessed Are You”  Key focus on how to live the Beatitudes and not just keeping the commandments.  Aug 31 - Sep 3 at Charis Camp in Chilliwack.  All Cantonese speaking youth are welcome.  For details visit or call Tiffany at 778-803-4247.


21st Anniversary Eucharistic Celebration  Praise and Worship - Fr. Augustine Obiwumma will be the main celebrant, assisted by Fr. Henry Mrema. Sep 5 - 6:30 p.m. followed by reception at St Joseph the Worker parish, Richmond.  All are welcome.  Call Olivia at 604-723-9903.


New to Canada?     CHIMO is a government funded program that offers free newcomer services to help immigrants. Contact Racquel Villagante (Filipina) Settlement and Integration Worker at 778-251-1042 or