Friday, 26 October 2012

English Bulletin for 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church Bulletin

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 28, 2012


Annual Solemn Exposition of the Eucharist     Please sign up for an hour to pray before the Blessed Sacrament on Oct 30-Nov 1 (Tue-Thu) from 9 am to 12 noon. 


First Friday Mass & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament      Nov 2 (Fri).  Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:00 am to 7:45 pm. Vocations hour at 6 pm, Benediction at 7:45 pm followed by Mass in Cantonese at 8:00 p.m.  Please sign up at the Info Counter. Divine Mercy Devotion  at 7:20 pm.  Prayer intentions will be offered in the Mass.


Year of Faith Archbishop has written a Prayer for Evangelization marking the Year of Faith, prayer cards can be picked up at Info Counter.  On it you will see Peter turning to Jesus in repentance and faith (Lk 5:1-11).  The Archbishop encourages all individuals, groups and communities to recite this prayer, asking God for the conversion of hearts and minds.


Annual Mass for Deceased Bishops, Priests and Religious    will be at Holy Rosary Cathedral on Nov 8 (Thu) 12:10 p.m.  All parishioners are welcome.


Halloween     It literally means the eve before the holy day of All Saints. Parents are reminded to help their children focus on the saints whose holy lives are worthy to be our inspirations.


Peter's Pence         The 2nd collection next Sunday is for the charitable work of the Holy See.  Visit for its history.  Please be generous.


White Ribbon Against Pornography

Our parish's Catholic Women's League (English & Chinese) will be promoting the White Ribbon of Signatures Campaign after Mass.  Please support the national campaign by signing your name and postal code on the ribbon.  The ribbon will be sent to Members of Parliament addressing our concern about the proliferation of internet pornography.  Thank you for your support.


REMEMBRANCE OF ALL SOULS   November is the month to remember all our departed family members, brothers & sisters and friends.  Please pick the "All Souls Day Remembrance" envelopes and drop into the collection basket during mass or return to parish office. One mass per envelope will be offered except indicated.


Pray for our Faithful Departed ~  Roger Morisse


Youth Encounter for Teens Ages 15 to 19   Encounter Christ in yourself, others and community.  Reflect on life and how God fits into your daily rush of family, friends, school and church.  Join the Youth Ministry team of St. Nicholas for the Youth Encounter Retreat at Camp Squeah on Nov 2 - 4 (Fri-Sun).  Call Jane Waldock at 778-997-4672 or email for more information or to register.


Catholic Apologetics Seminar   Do you want to be equipped to defend your Faith?  Are you eager to witness and explain your Faith?  Presentation by outstanding speakers, Kyle Neilson - Director of the Office of Evangelization; Paved Reid - Director of Catholic Family Services and Graham Osborne - BC Catholic columnist and Catholic apologist.  Saturdays, Nov 3, 10, 17 and 24 from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at St. Mary Parish, 5251 Joyce Street, Vancouver.


How to Pray for Your Sons, Daughters and Loved Ones        Have your loved ones stopped practicing the faith?  Do they no longer believe in God?  Then this seminar is for you.  Seminar by Vernon Robertson will be held at St. Francis de Sales Church, 6610 Balmoral St., Burnaby on Nov 16, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. and Nov 17, 10 am - 4 pm.  Pre-register to receive your free manual at or call 604-460-0114.


End-of-Life Planning Workshop       Facilitated by the Respect Life Office and Catholic Health Association of BC, a panel discussion will be held on topics such as Advance Care Planning, Nutrition and Hydration and Palliative Care.  Nov 8, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. at Corpus Christi Parish, 6350 Nanaimo Street, Vancouver.  Call 604-683-0281 for more information.


Increase the Confidence, Competence and Commitment of your Ministry   Join us for an informative session related to our prized Catholic Social Teaching principles.  The Office of Service & Justice welcomes Shelley MacDonell, MRE who will lead us a discussion to the importance of Catholic Social Teaching and how they can mobilize your ministries and parish groups.  The workshops will be hosted as follows:-

Nov 13 (7 - 9 pm) at Our Lady of Mercy,

Nov 15 (10 am - 12 noon) at St. Francis de Sales and Nov 15 (7 - 9 pm) at Immaculate Conception, Vancouver. Please call 604-0281 or email


Vocation Live-In      for boys or young men interested in priesthood or the consecrated life.  Nov 16-18 (Fri-Sun).  Call 604-826-8975 Fr. Dumont.


St. Anthony of Padua School       has limited spaces available from Kindergarten to Grade 7 for the school year 2012-13.  Registration packages are available at St. Anthony of Padua School or on website or call 604-261-4043 for more information.

Friday, 19 October 2012

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church Bulletin

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Oct 21, 2012


First Friday Mass & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament   Nov 2 (Fri).  Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:00 am to 7:45 pm. Vocations hour at 6 pm, Benediction at 7:45 pm followed by Mass in Cantonese at 8:00 p.m.  Please sign up at the Info Counter. Divine Mercy Devotion  at 7:20 pm.  Prayer intentions will be offered in the Mass.


Catholics Come Home 


Do you know someone who has left the practice of our Catholic faith?  Help invite and encourage your friends and loved-ones to come back to the Catholic Church.  In general, only 1 in 5 Catholics come to Sunday Mass.  To reach out to them, this Christmas, our diocese is partnering with Catholics Come Home to air inspiring TV commercials inviting those who are away from the faith to come back home to the Catholic Church.  More than 1,500 television commercials will air before Christmas through to late January.


Archbishop Michael Miller asks that you support this campaign with your prayers and with generous contributions.  Thank you for your support and may God bless you richly!


New Saints


This Sunday, Bl. Kateri Takakwitha (1656-1680) will be canonized in Rome, the first native to become saint in  the Catholic Church.  Archbishop Miller will celebrate Mass in the Holy Rosary Cathedral next Sunday (Oct 28) at 2:30 p.m., Everyone is welcome.

Also, Bl. Pedro Calungsod (1654-1672) from the Philippines will be canonized this Sunday.


Saints in heaven, pray for us!


World Mission Sunday

"The celebration of World Mission Sunday gives us the opportunity to reach out to more than two-thirds of the world's people who have yet to hear the Good News.  Moreover, we are all called upon to give our financial support for the mission of making Jesus known "to the ends of the earth"  The missionary work of the Church depends on each one of us.  In this special collection, please be as generous as your means allow.  Let us all continue to pray that we in the Archdiocese will be effective witnesses and courageous proclaimers of Jesus to our world."   ~ Archbishop Michael Miller, CSB


White Ribbon Against Pornography

Our parish's Catholic Women's League (English & Chinese) will be promoting the White Ribbon of Signatures Campaign on Oct 27 & 28 (next Sat & Sun) after Sunday Mass.  Please support the national campaign by signing your name and postal code on the ribbon.  The ribbon will be sent to Members of Parliament addressing our concern about the proliferation of internet pornography.  Thank you for your support.


Mass Attendance              Next Sunday, we will continue to take head count during Sunday Mass again.


ROSARY    October is the month of the Rosary.  You are invited to say Rosary together. Please come 25 minutes before every Sunday Masses(except 8:15 a.m.).


REMEMBRANCE OF ALL SOULS   November is the month to remember all our departed family members, brothers & sisters and friends.  Please pick the "All Souls Day Remembrance" envelopes and drop into the collection basket during mass or return to parish office. One mass per envelope will be offered except indicated.


"Man Alive"  a Vancouver Catholic Men's Conference  will be held on Oct 27 (Sat) at Centre of Performing Arts.  Tickets available from Knights of Columbus.  Seats are limited, early bird special $35 each, student at $25 each.  Please contact Michael at 778-834-3333 or Francis at 604-765-3121 for details.


Retreat with Fr. Laurence Freeman, OSB  A Benedictine monk, director of the World Community for Christian Meditation will hold a retreat at Star of the Sea Catholic School on Oct 27 & 28.  Cost $90, please contact, poster & registration forms at or call 604-538-7020.


Increase the Confidence, Competence and Commitment of your Ministry   Join us for an informative session  related to our prized Catholic Social Teaching principles.  The Office of Service & Justice welcomes Shelley MacDonell, MRE who will lead us a discussion to the importance of Catholic Social Teaching and how they can mobilize your ministries and parish groups.  The workshop will be hosted at Our Lady of Mercy on Nov 13 (7 - 9 pm), St. Francis de Sales on Nov 15 (10 am - 12 noon) and Immaculate Conception, Vancouver on Nov 15 (7 - 9 pm). RSVP, please call 604-0281 or email


Archdiocese of Vancouver Facebook Page  is updated daily at  Welcome to Like us and find out what's happening in the Archdiocese, and maybe make an online Catholic friend.

Friday, 12 October 2012

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - English Bulletin

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church bulletin

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 14, 2012


Pope Benedict XVI has designated a Year of Faith from last Wednesday to Nov 24, 2013 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th year anniversary of the issue of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.


Archbishop Miller, CSB has written a Prayer for Evangelization for this year, and this prayer cards are now available at our parish.  On it you will see Peter turning to Jesus in repentance and faith (Lk5:1-11).  Archbishop encourages all individuals, groups, and parish communities to recite this prayer, asking God for the conversion of hearts and minds.


Catholics Come Home       Do you know someone who has left the practice of our Catholic faith?  Help invite and encourage your friends and loved-ones to come back to the Catholic Church.  In general, only 1 in 5 Catholics come to Sunday Mass.  To reach out to them, this Christmas, our diocese is partnering with Catholics Come Home to air inspiring TV commercials inviting those who are away from the faith to come back home to the Catholic Church.  More than 1,500 television commercials will air before Christmas through to late January.


Archbishop Michael Miller asks that you support this campaign with your prayers and with generous contributions to the  special collection.  Thank you for your support and may God bless you richly!


ROSARY    October is the month of the Rosary.  You are invited to say Rosary together. Please come 25 minutes before every Sunday Masses(except 8:15 a.m.).


Mass Attendance    For your information, to have a more accurate statistics, the whole diocese will take head count for Sunday Mass in the next two Saturdays / Sundays in every parish.


World Mission Sunday Faith in a gift from God to be shared; it is a talent, which must bear fruit; it is a light that should not be hidden.  Please be generous in second collection next week .


Fr. Chu        will be away on vacation and attending convention from Oct 15 - Nov 6.


REMEMBRANCE OF ALL SOULS   November is the month to remember all our departed family members, brothers & sisters and friends.  Please pick the “All Souls Day Remembrance” envelopes and drop into the collection basket during mass or return to parish office. One mass per envelope will be offered except indicated.


Project Advance

-Parish goal: $168,000, of which $39,000 goes to the Archdiocese and $129,000 for debt repayment.

-Suggestion: $432 for each family or $36/month for 12 months.

          Take a pocket flyer home; or go online

-Pledge up to-date: $143,000 (85.12%)

Every gift makes a difference - every gift counts.


Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha will be canonized on Oct 21 (Sun) in Rome. The celebration in our diocese at the Holy Rosary Cathedral on Oct 28 (Sun) 2:30 pm. will begin with a procession of First Nation members followed by Mass by Archbishop.  A painting and a relic of Blessed Kateri will be on display during Mass.  All are welcome.


The Catholic Forum   invites you to explore the topic: “Vatican II - Year of Faith” by Archbishop Miller, on Oct 16 (Tue) at 7:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church, 5251 Joyce St., Vancouver.  For further info, contact Dr. Paul Ungar at 604-588-5696.


“Man Alive”  a Vancouver Catholic Men’s Conference  will be held on Oct 27 (Sat) at Centre of Performing Arts.  Tickets available from Knights of Columbus.  Seats are limited, early bird special $35 each, student at $25 each.  Please contact Michael at 778-834-3333 or Francis at 604-765-3121 for details.


University Students’ Mass in the Year of Faith  Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, cordially invites university and college students to the anticipated Sunday Mass at the Holy Rosary Cathedral on Oct 20 (Sat), at 7:30 p.m.  Confessions start at 6:30 p.m.


Retreat with Fr. Laurence Freeman, OSB  A Benedictine monk, director of the World Community for Christian Meditation will hold a retreat at Star of the Sea Catholic School on Oct 27 & 28.  Cost $90, please contact, poster & registration forms at or call 604-538-7020.


Friday, 5 October 2012

English Bulletin for 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church Bulletin

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Oct 7, 2012


Year of Faith           Pope Benedict XVI has designated a Year of Faith from Oct 11, 2012 to Nov 24, 2013 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th year anniversary of the issue of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

*         During this year, our Archbishop has also asked us to pray the Prayer for Evangelization:-

"God, who wills that all should be saved and come to the knowledge of truth, pour out your Spirit upon us and grant that we may respond zealously to your urgent call to lead back to the Church those who have strayed.  Prepare their hearts and minds to be receptive to the saving Gospel of your Son.  Send us as workers to gather in your abundant harvest, so that all your people, obedient to the Word and sustained by the power of the Sacraments, may advance in the way of salvation and love.  Through Christ our Lord.  Amen"

*         Archbishop Miller will have a special Opening Mass on Oct 7 (Sunday), 2:30 p.m. at Holy Rosary Cathedral.  Everyone is welcome.


*         "YOUCAT" is a catechism in color which is recommended by our Archbishop to everyone to consolidate our faith this year.  Pope Benedict XVI in its preface wrote invite you: Study this Catechism!  This is my heartfelt desire ..... study this Catechism with passion and perseverance.? It is available in our gift shop at $12.


*        "Magnificat Year of Faith Companion" is a one page daily meditation to nourish your soul.  It is available now at $5 each in our gift shop.

ROSARY    October is the month of the Rosary.  You are invited to say Rosary together. Please come 25 minutes before every Sunday Masses (except 8:15 a.m.).


Project Advance

-Parish goal: $168,000, of which $39,000 goes to the Archdiocese and $129,000 for debt repayment.

-Suggestion: $432 for each family or $36/month for 12 months.

          1. Take a pocket flyer home; or

          2. Go online

-Pledge up to-date: $143,000 (85.12%)

Every gift makes a difference - every gift counts.


Parish theme for October ~ "Apostle - St. Jude"

*         Son of Jacob. He is called "Thaddeus" in Matthew & Mark Gospel.

*         Luke called him ?Judas, the son of James?

*         Jude (Hebrew/English) = Judas (Greek).

*         Judas Thaddeus and Judas Iscariot (the betrayer) have the same first name.  It is custom to refer Judas Thaddeus by using his English transliteration, whereas Iscariot is referred to Judas in its Greek transliteration.

*         Most likely St. Jude was not the author of the Epistle of Jude even though it bears his name.

*         He preached at Palestine, Osroene, Armenia & Iran.

*         Martyred together with  St. Simon around AD66.

*         St. Jude is depicted carrying the image of Jesus in his hand or close to his chest. It tells a legend that a king with sickness sent his envoy to Jesus to ask for healing. The envoy saw Jesus and painted the image of Jesus and went home. The king was cured on seeing the image. St. Jude was later sent  there to preach the Gospel.

*         Patron Saint of desperate cases.

*         Feast day: Oct 28.


Catholics Come Home  In general, only 1 in 5 Catholics come to Sunday Mass.  To reach out to them, the archdiocese will launch a TV campaign in December.  A second collection will be taken next week to support it.


REMEMBRANCE OF ALL SOULS   November is the month to remember all our departed family members, brothers & sisters and friends.  Please pick the "All Souls Day Remembrance" envelopes and drop into the collection basket during mass or return to parish office. One mass per envelope will be offered except indicated.


The Catholic Forum   invites you to explore the topic: "Vatican II - Year of Faith" with guest speaker, Archbishop Miller, on Oct 16 (Tue) at 7:00 p.m. at St. Mary's Church, 5251 Joyce St., Vancouver.  For further info, contact Dr. Paul Ungar at 604-588-5696.


Archbishop's Dinner  will be held on Oct 25 (Thu) at Hyatt Regency Van. for evangelization work. Ticket at $150 each.  Order forms are available at  Please support this important ministry.


"Man Alive" a Vancouver Catholic Men's Conference  will be held on Oct 27 (Sat) at Centre of Performing Arts.  Tickets available from Knights of Columbus.  Seats are limited, early bird special $35 each, student at $25 each.  Please contact Michael at 778-834-3333 or Francis at 604-765-3121 for details.


University Students' Mass in the Year of Faith  Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, cordially invites university and college students to the anticipated Sunday Mass at the Holy Rosary Cathedral on Oct 20 (Sat), at 7:30 p.m.  Confessions start at 6:30 p.m.