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Friday, 25 December 2015
Friday, 18 December 2015
Friday, 11 December 2015
Saturday, 5 December 2015
Friday, 27 November 2015
Friday, 20 November 2015
Friday, 13 November 2015
Friday, 6 November 2015
Friday, 30 October 2015
Friday, 23 October 2015
Friday, 16 October 2015
Friday, 9 October 2015
Friday, 2 October 2015
Friday, 25 September 2015
Friday, 18 September 2015
Friday, 11 September 2015
Friday, 4 September 2015
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Friday, 21 August 2015
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Saturday, 8 August 2015
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Friday, 24 July 2015
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Saturday, 11 July 2015
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Saturday, 16 May 2015
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Friday, 20 March 2015
Friday, 13 March 2015
Friday, 6 March 2015
Friday, 27 February 2015
Friday, 20 February 2015
Thursday, 12 February 2015
Friday, 6 February 2015
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Feb 08, 2015
Ash Wednesday The Mass and distribution of ashes takes place on February 18 at 8:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. in English.
Palm into Ash Please bring back the palm of last year to be burnt into ash for Ash Wednesday, February 18.
Canada East Coast Pilgrimage
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of our parish, we will hold a pilgrimage from Quebec City to Toronto from May 1-7, special featuring the Martyrs shrine where our patron saints offered their very lives for God. Itinerary is available now.
Seats are limited, first come first serve.
Lunar New Year
Our dinner will be held on Feb 22 (Sun) at Continental Seafood Restaurant. Tickets are available for $40 each and $30 for children (age 12 or under). We would like to invite our parishioners to donate new gifts for the lucky draw. Please bring gift donations to the parish office.
Chinese New Year Cake Thank you for your support. Order for all kinds of cake has been full.
ONE Conference 2015
The flame of a single match can ignite a thousand others. Jesus Christ and our Catholic faith is the flame that ignites. Come, Start Joy in your World. At the ONE Conference, be ignited by the Holy Spirit and take the inspirational message of the speakers, stirred by our local ministries and exhibits, out to our neighbours as together we Start Joy in our World. Feb 14 (Sat), at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Tickets are $40 and can be purchased online at rcav.org/one or at any parish.
Marriage and Family
Pope Francis has announced an Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for Oct 2015 on topics related to the family and evangelization. The Oct 4-25 synod will have the theme: “The vocation and mission of the family in the church and the modern world.” Archbishop Miller is inviting response to the Holy Father’s call for consultation. The document and questions are at rcav.org/synod-bishops-family-2015/. You are welcome to make concise response to questions that are particularly relevant to you by Feb 27, 2015.
Taize Prayer
Feb 15 (Sun), 2:30 p.m. at our parish. Topic: Reconciliation, Special Guest is Brother Emile from France. Everyone is welcome.
Turning and Returning - Drawing Closer to Jesus
Fr. Elton Fernandes, SJ, returns to Rosemary Heights for our 2-hour twilight retreat, offering Scripture and Ignatian prayer as a way to respond to Jesus' invitation. Feb 19 (Thu), from 6 - 8:30 p.m. Costs $25, including a light snack ($35 including light dinner served at 5:15 p.m.). For more information, visit www.rosemaryheights.com/events/ or contact 604-576-8802.
World Day of the Sick
Archbishop Miller will celebrate a Mass of Anointing on Wednesday, Feb 11 (Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes), at 11a.m., at Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Vancouver.
Solidarity Visitor
From the Philippines, Fr Edwin Gariguez, Executive Secretary of Caritas-NASSA (National Secretariat for Social Action) will speak about his work with peasant farmers, the reconstruction work after Typhoon Haiyan, spirituality and social justice, mining justice and defending the rights of indigenous peoples. Sunday, Feb 15 at 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. at St. Mark’s Parish, Vancouver, and 2:30 p.m., St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Vancouver.
Vocation Live-In
On the weekend of February 20 - 22, there will be a Vocation Live-In for boys or young men interested in the priesthood or the consecrated life, at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission, BC. For more information call 604-826-8715.
Clergy Care Fund
Did you know? Each month Archbishop Miller identifies a unique pastoral funding need in the archdiocese for those who wish to make a special donation. February's special need is the Clergy Care Fund, through which the Archdiocese provides supplementary medical care, accommodation and remuneration for priests in need. Visit rcav.thankyou4caring.org/ClergyCareFund to donate today.
Friday, 30 January 2015
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Feb 01, 2015
Archbishop’s Letter on Ash Wednesday and the Lunar New year
“The 2015 Lunar Year for Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Malaysian and other ethnic groups, coincides with Ash Wednesday. Therefore, I dispense, in accordance with Canon 87.1, those of the faithful who are present in the Archdiocese of Vancouver and those who are subjects of the Archdiocese of Vancouver, wherever they may be, who will celebrate the Lunar New Year on Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015, the dispensation from the laws on abstinence and fasting.
However, as Lent is a penitential time of preparation for the liturgical celebration of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, I am obliging all who make use of this dispensation to observe a day of fast and abstinence on one other day at the beginning of Lent, such as Wednesday, February 25, 2015 or Friday, February 27, 2015.
The Mass and distribution of ashes takes place as usual on Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015.
Please note that this relaxation of the rule for such a significant day in the Church’s liturgical year is one-time dispensation only and is not valid for future years.”
Palm into Ash
Please bring back the palm of last year to be burnt into ash for Ash Wednesday, February 18.
The B.C. Catholic is proud to be celebrating the Lunar New Year with a special supplement in February. There will be articles and features showcasing the Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese traditions. This is a great opportunity for your business to be showcased in the Archbishop’s paper, which reaches 61,000 readers each week. For more information and to advertise call Raymond Loretan at 604-683-0281 ext. 305.
This weekend we will have a second collection which helps to defray the paper cost and donation of $20 and up will guarantee papers at your door.
First Friday Mass & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Feb 06 (Fri). Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:00 a.m. to 7:45 p.m. Vocations hour at 6:00 p.m., Benediction at 7:45 p.m. followed by Mass in Cantonese at 8:00 p.m. Please sign up at the Info Counter.
Lunar New Year
Our dinner will be held on Feb 22 (Sun) at Continental Seafood Restaurant. Tickets are available for $40 each and $30 for children (age 12 or under). We would like to invite our parishioners to donate new gifts for the lucky draw. Please bring gift donations to the parish office.
Chinese New Year Cake
Thank you for your support. Order for all kinds of cake has been full.
Children’s Room
Parents with babies and toddlers who use this room during Sunday Mass are kindly reminded to respect the quiet environment, prayerful atmosphere and the need of other parishioners to attend Mass in the room. No food or drink in the room.
Taize Prayer
Feb 15 (Sun), 2:30 p.m. at our parish. Topic: Reconciliation, Special Guest is Brother Emile. Everyone is welcome.
ONE Conference 2015
Come and start joy in your world by listening to great speakers, celebrating Mass with Archbishop Michael and worshipping as ONE. Feb 14 (Sat) at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Buy your tickets online at www.rcav.org/one.
Mass for the World Day for Consecrated Life
On Feb 2 (Mon), please join the Mass at Holy Name of Jesus Church (Cambie and 33rd) at 7 p.m. with a light reception to follow. We invite everyone to participate at the Mass and show their support for the consecrated men and women of our Archdiocese.
Turning and Returning - Drawing Closer to Jesus
Fr. Elton Fernandes, SJ, returns to Rosemary Heights for our 2-hour twilight retreat, offering Scripture and Ignatian prayer as a way to respond to Jesus' invitation. Feb 19 (Thu), from 6 - 8:30 p.m. Costs $25, including a light snack ($35 including light dinner served at 5:15 p.m.). For more information, visit www.rosemaryheights.com/events/ or contact 604-576-8802.
Vocation Live-In
On the weekend of February 20 - 22, there will be a Vocation Live-In for boys or young men interested in the priesthood or the consecrated life, at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission, BC. For more information call 604-826-8715.
Friday, 23 January 2015
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Jan 25, 2015
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
To celebrate the diversity of Christian faith and be faithful to Christ’s call for the unity of his Church, all are invited to join with brothers and sisters of various churches in prayer, song, and witness to unity as followers of Christ.
In Richmond, the Ecumenical Prayer Meeting will be held at St. Joseph the Worker Church, Jan 25 (Sun.) at 3 pm. All are welcome.
The B.C. Catholic is proud to be celebrating the Lunar New Year with a special supplement in February. There will be articles and features showcasing the Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese traditions. This is a great opportunity for your business to be showcased in the Archbishop’s paper, which reaches 61,000 readers each week. For more information and to advertise call Raymond Loretan at 604-683-0281 ext. 305.
Next weekend we will have a second collection which helps to defray the paper cost and donation of $20 and up will guarantee papers at your door.
Mandarin Class
Every Saturday at 2:00-3:00 p.m.at Room C. Please enroll in advance.
Lunar New Year
Our dinner is set on Feb 22 (Sun). Tickets will be available for sale from Jan 31. We would like to invite our parishioners to donate new gifts for the lucky draw. Please bring gift donations to the parish office.
Chinese New Year Cake
Last orders will be taken after Saturday evening Masses and Sunday Masses before noon this week. Thanks for your support.
First Friday Mass & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Feb 06 (Fri). Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:00 a.m. to 7:45 p.m. Vocations hour at 6:00 p.m., Benediction at 7:45 p.m. followed by Mass in Cantonese at 8:00 p.m. Please sign up at the Info Counter.
Children’s Room
Parents with babies and toddlers who use this room during Sunday Mass are kindly reminded to respect the quiet environment, prayerful atmosphere and the need of other parishioners to attend Mass in the room. No food or drink in the room.
Renewing Our Sense of Wonder
Join Fr. Abbot John Braganza OSB for his personal witness of his calling to priesthood, with Jacqueline Loh of Grace that Reigns Society. Jan 31 (Sat), 9:00 a.m. - 12 p.m., St. Matthew’s Parish, Surrey.
To register, please contact vson@shaw.ca or 604-868-4424. Cost $10.
Sow Much Love to Give - Share Lent 2015
The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development educates the Canadian population about the causes of impoverishment of peoples and mobilizes actions for change.
Join us for a workshop and reflection on Jan 31 (Sat), from 4 - 9 p.m. at Holy Name Parish, Vancouver. Dinner will be provided.
Mass for the World Day for Consecrated Life
On Feb 2 (Mon), please join the Mass at Holy Name of Jesus Church (Cambie and 33rd) at 7 p.m. with a light reception to follow. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we invite everyone to participate at the Mass and show their support for the consecrated men and women of our Archdiocese.
Turning and Returning - Drawing Closer to Jesus this Lent facilitated by Fr. Elton Fernandes, SJ
Conversion involves letting go of what is unhealthy in our lives as well as growing stronger in the faith. Fr. Elton Fernandes, SJ, returns to Rosemary Heights for our 2-hour twilight retreat, offering Scripture and Ignatian prayer as a way to respond to Jesus' invitation. Feb 19 (Thu), from 6 - 8:30 p.m. at Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre, Surrey. Costs $25, including a light snack ($35 including light dinner served at 5:15 p.m.). For more information, visit www.rosemaryheights.com/events/ or contact 604-576-8802.
Vocation Live-In
On the weekend of February 20 - 22, there will be a Vocation Live-In for boys or young men interested in the priesthood or the consecrated life, at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission, BC. For more information call 604-826-8715.
Friday, 16 January 2015
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Jan 18, 2015
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The 2015 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is observed Jan 18-25. In a world marked by diversity in language and culture, we express our Christian faith in diverse ways.
During this Week we are called to celebrate this diversity and be faithful to Christ’s call for the unity of his Church. All are invited to join with brothers and sisters of various churches in prayer, song, and witness to unity as followers of Christ.
In Richmond, the Ecumenical Prayer Meeting will be held at St. Joseph the Worker Church, Jan 25 (Sun.) at 3 pm. All are welcome.
Donation Envelopes 2015 is ready for pick up.
If you can’t find your envelopes, please fill in a request form. For users of numbered envelopes, please write down your full name for cross reference. For those who use the envelopes on the pews, please write your full name, address and phone number to ensure your donation can be recorded properly.
Mandarin Class
Every Saturday at 2:00-3:00 p.m.at Room C. Please enroll in advance.
Lunar New Year
Our dinner is set on Feb 22 (Sun). Please mark your calendar. We would like to invite our parishioners to donate gifts for the lucky draw. Please bring gift donations to the parish office for collection.
Chinese New Year Cake
To celebrate the year of the Lamb, our parish volunteers will be making and selling traditional Chinese New Year cakes. We will take orders only on Jan 17, 18 & 24, 25 after Saturday evening Masses and Sunday Masses before noon. Due to limited quantities, please place orders at your earliest convenience. Thanks for your support.
Parish Pastoral Council will be held on Jan 23 (Fri) 7:30 p.m. Each parish group is advised to send at least one member to the meeting.
Wedding Anniversary Celebration
Photos of couples are ready for pick up. Please contact info counter.
CM Voice
The Jan and Feb issue has been printed, please get one at the Info Counter.
Renewing Our Sense of Wonder
Join Fr. Abbot John Braganza OSB for his personal witness of his calling to priesthood, with Jacqueline Loh of Grace that Reigns Society. Jan 31 (Sat), 9:00 a.m. - 12 p.m., St. Matthew’s Parish, Surrey.
To register, please contact vson@shaw.ca or 604-868-4424. Cost $10.
The B.C. Catholic is proud to be celebrating the Lunar New Year with a special supplement in February. There will be articles and features showcasing the Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese traditions. This is a great opportunity for your business to be showcased in the Archbishop’s paper, which reaches 61,000 readers each week.
For more information and to advertise call Raymond Loretan at 604-683-0281 ext. 305.
Life in the Spirit Seminar
Celebrating the 22nd anniversary of IC Prayer Group, a Healing Mass will be celebrated on Friday the 23rd of Jan at 7:00 p.m., Immaculate Conception Parish in North Delta, by Jerry Thompson of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Everyone is invited.
For info, please phone 604-597-8227.
World Day of Migrants and Refugees Mass
Pope Francis says: “The mission of the Church...is to love Jesus Christ, to adore and love him particularly in the poorest and most abandoned. Among these are migrants and refugees who are trying to escape difficult living conditions and dangers of every kind.” Jan 18 (Sun) at 3pm, Our Lady of Sorrows, Vancouver. Mass celebrated by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB.
Stewarding God's Gifts Conference: Living our Baptism as stewards of God’s Mission
All are invited to this one day conference where you will learn about the spiritual and practical aspects of parish stewardship from two experienced presenters, Fr. Darrin Gurr (Archdiocese of Winnipeg) and Julie Kenny. $20 including lunch. Mass celebrated by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB. Jan 24 (Sat) from 9am-3pm, Good Shepherd Church, Surrey.
Friday, 9 January 2015
Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015
2015 Year of Love: Baptism & Love
“Baptism is the Sacrament on which our very faith is founded and which grafts us as a living member onto Christ and his Church.
It is important to know the day on which I was immersed in that current of Jesus' salvation. To know the date of our Baptism is to know a blessed day.
Thanks to Baptism, we are capable of forgiving and of loving even those who offend us and do evil to us. By our Baptism,
we recognize in the least and in the poor the face of the Lord who visits us and makes himself close. Baptism helps us to
recognize in the face of the needy, the suffering, and also of our neighbour, the face of Jesus. All this is possible
thanks to the power of Baptism!”
- Pope Francis
Donation Envelopes 2015 is ready for pick up.
If you can’t find your envelopes, please fill in a request form. For users of numbered envelopes, please write down your full name for cross reference. For those who use the envelopes on the pews, please write your full name, address and phone number to ensure your donation can be recorded properly.
Chinese New Year Cake
To celebrate the year of the Lamb, our parish volunteers will be making and selling traditional Chinese New Year cakes. We will take orders only on Jan 17, 18 & 24, 25 after Saturday evening Masses and Sunday Masses before noon. Due to limited quantities, please place orders at your earliest convenience. Thanks for your support.
Lunar New Year
Our dinner is set on Feb 22 (Sun). Please mark your calendar. We would like to invite our parishioners to donate gifts for the lucky draw. Please bring gift donations to the parish office for collection.
Parish Pastoral Council will be held on Jan 23 (Fri) 7:30 p.m. Each parish group is advised to send at least one member to the meeting.
Wedding Anniversary Celebration
Photos of couples are ready for pick up. Please contact info counter.
Mandarin Class
Every Saturday at 2:00-3:00 p.m.at Room C. Please enroll in advance.
The B.C. Catholic is proud to be celebrating the Lunar New Year with a special supplement in February. There will be articles and features showcasing the Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese traditions. This is a great opportunity for your business to be showcased in the Archbishop’s paper, which reaches 61,000 readers each week. For more information and to advertise call Raymond Loretan
at 604-683-0281 ext. 305.
Life in the Spirit Seminar
Celebrating the 22nd anniversary of IC Prayer Group, a Healing Mass will be celebrated on Friday the 23rd of Jan at 7:00 p.m., Immaculate Conception Parish in North Delta, by Jerry Thompson of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Everyone is invited. For info, please phone 604-597-8227.
World Day of Migrants and Refugees Mass
Pope Francis says: “The mission of the Church...is to love Jesus Christ, to adore and love him particularly in the poorest and most abandoned. Among these are migrants and refugees who are trying to escape difficult living conditions and dangers of every kind.” Jan 18 (Sun) at 3pm, Our Lady of Sorrows, Vancouver. Mass celebrated by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB.
Stewarding God's Gifts Conference: Living our Baptism as stewards of God’s Mission
All are invited to this one day conference where you will learn about the spiritual and practical aspects of parish stewardship from two experienced presenters, Fr. Darrin Gurr (Archdiocese of Winnipeg) and Julie Kenny. $20 including lunch.
Mass celebrated by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB. Jan 24 (Sat) from 9am-3pm, Good Shepherd Church, Surrey. http://rcav.org/about-stewardship.
Christian Unity: Have We Answered the Call?
Keynote speakers: Fr. Tom Rosica, CSB, and Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC. Topics: Canadian and worldwide overview of ecumenism before and after Vatican II’s Decree, importance of dialogue, and practical ideas on how to start ecumenical cooperation.
Jan 17 (Sat), St. Francis Xavier Church, Vancouver. To register, contact 604-683-0281 ext. 229, or email ecumenism@rcav.org.
2015 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Jan 18-25. In a world marked by diversity in language and culture, we express our Christian faith in diverse ways. The Archdiocese will mark Christian Unity Week with various ecumenical events and prayer services. For more information, visit rcav.org/christian-unity.
Friday, 2 January 2015
Epiphany of the Lord January 04, 2015 – Bulletin
This year marks our 20th anniversary as a parish. Though it is not a remarkably long time, we thank God for all the blessings.
Stay tune for our celebratory events.
Our Parish Council has also set the theme of this year. Following what went before (Faith and Hope), the theme of our parish is for the YEAR OF LOVE.
Everyone need to advance in love. What a wonderful way to celebrate our anniversary year if we all grow in the love of God and others. As the saying goes "They will recognize us by our love", we know that only in love that we can truly evangelize others. Let's pray together as a community that we may draw a deeper love from God who himself is love.
Happy New Year, God Bless you!
Donation Envelopes 2015 is ready for pick up. If you can't find your envelopes, please fill in a request form. For users of numbered envelopes, please write down your full name for cross reference. For those who use the envelopes on the pews, please write your full name, address and phone number to ensure your donation can be recorded properly.
2015 Church Calendar is available now. Donation of $3.00 to cover the cost is appreciated.
Photography Exhibition
Thank you for your participation in voting "My Favorite Photo" at the exhibition. The picture with the highest votes is "Peaceful Feeling" taken by Derek Lee. The winner is Theresa Cheng. The presentation of the photo will be held at the church's Chinese New Year Dinner.
Lunar New Year
Our dinner is set on Feb 22 (Sun). Please mark your calendar.
Gift Shop
Nourish your souls for the new year with our new arrivals:
1. Prayer for Beginners by Peter Kreeft $3.
2. New Testament: The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible with notes and commentary by Scott Hahn $4.
3. Sunday Missals $4.
Mandarin Class Every Saturday at 2:00-3:00 p.m.at Room C. Please enroll in advance.
World Day of Migrants and Refugees Mass
Pope Francis urges us to do as Jesus did by proclaiming the good news of hope to all, especially to those in great need. He says: "The mission of the Church...is thus to love Jesus Christ, to adore and love him particularly in the poorest and most abandoned. Among these are migrants and refugees who are trying to escape difficult living conditions and dangers of every kind." Jan 18 (Sun) at 3pm, Our Lady of Sorrows, Vancouver. Mass celebrated by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB for the 4th year in our Archdiocese as a universal church.
Stewarding God's Gifts Conference: Living our Baptism as stewards of God's Mission
Stewardship is a way of life, an appreciation of all that we have been given! All are invited to this one day conference where you will learn about the spiritual and practical aspects of parish stewardship from two experienced presenters, Fr. Darrin Gurr (Archdiocese of Winnipeg) and Julie Kenny. $20 including lunch. Mass celebrated by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB. Jan 24 (Sat) from 9am-3pm, Good Shepherd Church, Surrey. http://rcav.org/about-stewardship.
Christian Unity: Have We Answered the Call?
Archdiocese of Vancouver will mark the 50th anniversary of Vatican II's Decree on Ecumenism with an ecumenical prayer service. Keynote speakers: Fr. Tom Rosica, CSB, and Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC. Topics: Canadian and worldwide overview of ecumenism before and after Vatican II's Decree, importance of dialogue, and practical ideas on how to start ecumenical cooperation. Jan 17 (Sat), St. Francis Xavier Church, Vancouver. To register, contact 604-683-0281 ext. 229, or email ecumenism@rcav.org.
2015 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Jan 18-25. In a world marked by diversity in language and culture, we express our Christian faith in diverse ways. The Archdiocese will mark Christian Unity Week with various ecumenical events and prayer services. For more information, visit rcav.org/christian-unity.