Friday, 25 April 2014

English Bulletin - Second Sunday of Easter

Canadian Martyrs Catholic  Church – Church bulletin

Second Sunday of Easter – Apr 27, 2014


Two Popes, Two Saints

          This Sunday, Divine Mercy Sunday,  Pope John XXIII and John Paul II will be canonized in Rome, and our Archdiocese will celebrate it at PNE's Pacific Coliseum, starting with Grand Procession at 2:00 p.m. Divine Mercy at 2:30 p.m. and Mass at 3:00 p.m. with Archbishop Miller.

          Buses will leave at 12:20 p.m. and 12:45 p.m. sharp.  Please be on time.

New Book     "St. John Paul the Great: His Five Loves" is available at Gift Shop for $3 only.


Divine Mercy Sunday on April 27th

The late Pope John Paul II granted a Plenary Indulgence to the faithful for participation in this Feast of Mercy under the following conditions:

1)       Sacramental Confession 8 days prior to or after the Feast Day.

2)       Offer prayers for the intentions of the Pope.

3)       Receive Communion in a state of grace on Divine Mercy Sunday.  Sunday Mass fulfills this obligation.

4)       Participate in a special prayer service in honor of the Divine Mercy on that day or at least recite before the Blessed Sacrament an Our Father, the Creed and a devout prayer to Merciful Jesus: "Jesus, I trust in You"

Divine Mercy Devotion will be held at PNE this Sunday at 2:30 p.m.


Rosary          May is the month of Mother Mary, all are welcome to say Rosary 20 minutes before Sunday Masses (except 8:15 a.m.)


First Friday Mass & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament      May 2 (Fri).  Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:00 am to 7:45 pm. Vocations hour at 6 pm, Benediction at 7:45 pm followed by Mass in Cantonese at 8:00 p.m.  Please sign up at the Info Counter. Divine Mercy Devotion  will be held at 7:20 pm.  Prayer intentions will be offered in the Mass.

Catholic Friends      This Mandarin Evangelization  evening will be held on May 3 (this Sat) at 6:30 p.m. Invite your friends for sharing and a free meal.  Please sign up.


Project advance      Archbishop Miller called us to "Live Gratefully, Give Generously"  Pledge will start next Sunday.  Again, the suggested amount is same as last year $432.


Congratulations to our Newly Baptized   

Fion Helena Chan    Yvonne Anastasia Chan

Rain Cecilia Chen    Yvonne Agnes Cheng

Kitty Mildred Cheung         Kathy Genevieve Chow

Maria Erlinda Chu    Michael Chu

Luke Huang  Colleen Lau

Fei Scholastica Li    Diana Lu

Kylie Constance Lu  Betty Betsy Shek

Sandy Maria Shi      Mary Lam

Jane Wong   Kitty Martha Wong

Raymond Anthony Wong   Pinky Faustina Yeung

Allen Joseph Yu      Kathy Emily Yuen

Jonathan Yun          David Zhao


Congratulations to our Newly  Confirmed

Camille Marie Elizabeth Derla       Christopher Pereyras Gabriento

Jenny Mary Lin       Vincent Peter Lin

Carmen Gloria Lo    Raphael Ngan

Dominic Woo


Photos are posted on our webpage:


Mother's Day Luncheon       will be held on May 11 (Sun).  Lunch tickets at $18 each are available after this Saturday Mass and Sunday from 9:15 - 11:30 a.m. 


Mandarin class        starts every Saturday, May 10 (Sat) from 2:15 - 3:15 p.m. at Room C.  Please register in advance at Info Counter.


"Finding God in All Things" Series           Catherine M. Kelly M. Div will facilitate them at St. Joseph the Worker Parish. Apr 28 on Praying with scripture, May 5 on Praying with your imagination and May 12 on Praying with God in your day.  $20/session, call or email Joe or Katherine at 604-484-4525 or


Free to Believe    Rethinking Freedom of Conscience & Religion in Canada.  May 2 (Fri), 7:00 p.m. at Holy Name Parish.  Presented by Mary Anne Waldron, QC, and jointly hosted by the Catholic Physicians.  Guild & the St. Thomas More Lawyers Guild. 


Suffering: The Way to Grow         World renowned speaker, Fr. John Hampsch, CMF will give a speech on May 9 (Fri) 7-9 pm and May 10 (Sat) 9-5 pm at Archbishop Carney Secondary, 1335 Dominion Ave (at Lougheed Hwy), Port Coquitlam.  Tickets $20 each or $30 for two.  Please call Vernon at 604-460-0114 or


Thursday, 17 April 2014

English Bulletin - Easter Sunday

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church Bulletin

Resurrection of the Lord (Easter Sunday) – April 20, 2014


"Jesus is the Winner who has won over sin and death.?et the risen Jesus enter your life, welcome him as a friend, with trust: he is life!

          If you have kept Him at a distance, step forward. He will receive you with open arms.

          If you have been indifferent, take a risk: you won't be disappointed.

          If following him seems difficult, don't be afraid, trust Him, be confident that He is close to you."                ~  Pope Francis


Two Popes, Two Saints

          On Divine Mercy Sunday, Apr 27, Pope John XXIII and John Paul II will be canonized in Rome, and our Archdiocese will celebrate it at PNE's Pacific Coliseum, starting with Grand Procession at 2:00 p.m. Divine Mercy at 2:30 p.m. and Mass at 3:00 p.m. with Archbishop Miller.

          For those who have registered and have not picked up the entrance tickets and bus tickets, please contact Mary Au at 604-760-0788.  Next Sunday, bus will leave at 12:20 p.m. and 12:45 p.m. sharp.  Please be on time.

New Book     "St. John Paul the Great: His Five Loves" are available at Gift Shop.


Divine Mercy Sunday on April 27th

The late Pope John Paul II granted a Plenary Indulgence to the faithful for participation in this Feast of Mercy under the following conditions:

1)       Sacramental Confession 8 days prior to or after the Feast Day.

2)       Offer prayers for the intentions of the Pope.

3)       Receive Communion in a state of grace on Divine Mercy Sunday.  Sunday Mass fulfills this obligation.

4)       Participate in a special prayer service in honor of the Divine Mercy on that day or at least recite before the Blessed Sacrament an Our Father, the Creed and a devout prayer to Merciful Jesus: "Jesus, I trust in You"


Catholic Friends      This Mandarin Evangelization  evening will be held on May 3 (Sat) at 6:30 p.m. Invite your friends for sharing and a free meal.  Please sign up.


Parish Office           Closed on this Easter Monday.


New Life in Christ.

Congratulations to our

Newly Baptized and Newly Confirmed.

Please continue to pray for them.


First Friday Mass & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament      May 2 (Fri).  Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:00 am to 7:45 pm. Vocations hour at 6 pm, Benediction at 7:45 pm followed by Mass in Cantonese at 8:00 p.m.  Please sign up at the Info Counter. Divine Mercy Devotion  will be held at 7:20 pm.  Prayer intentions will be offered in the Mass.


Easter Octave Twilight Retreat     Apr 23 (Wed) 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. with Taize chants, immersing the soul in the simplicity of prayer and music at Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre.  Cost $30. Contact 604-576-8802.


Stressful Catholic Women  Would you like to improve your self-esteem, confidence, authenticity and relationship with self and others?  DAS-OLGCS, Surrey is running a 10-week series starting Apr 24.  Info at or call Anne 604-585-6688 / 604-562-6357.


Living and Leading by Faith  Archdiocesan Spring Institute offers one-day faith formation on Apr 26 at St. Patrick School, Vancouver from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Topics include Basics of the Faith, Core Catholic Life, Adolescent Development and more.  Cost $45 including lunch.  Register online


"Finding God in All Things" Series Catherine M. Kelly M. Div will facilitate them at St. Joseph the Worker Parish. Apr 28 on Praying with scripture, May 5 on Praying with your imagination and May 12 on Praying with God in your day.  $20/session, call or email Joe or Katherine at 604-484-4525 or


Is your Marriage in Crisis? Retrouvaille is a Catholic peer ministry which offers a two-month program for needed couples.  Apr 25-27 for lower mainland, call 604-530-6710.


Free to Believe    Rethinking Freedom of Conscience & Religion in Canada.  May 2 (Fri), 7:00 p.m. at Holy Name Parish.  Presented by Mary Anne Waldron, QC, and jointly hosted by the Catholic Physicians' Guild & the St. Thomas More Lawyers Guild. 


Suffering: The Way to Grow         World renowned speaker, Fr. John Hampsch, CMF will give a speech on May 9 (Fri) 7-9 pm and May 10 (Sat) 9-5 pm at Archbishop Carney Secondary, 1335 Dominion Ave (at Lougheed Hwy), Port Coquitlam.  Tickets $20 each or $30 for two.  Please call Vernon at 604-460-0114 or

Friday, 11 April 2014

English Bulletin - Palm Sunday

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church Bulletin

Passion (Palm) Sunday – Apr 13, 2014


Our God is not a God ‘spray’, he is tangible; he is not abstract but has a name, ‘God is Love’.¨             ~  Pope Francis


Jesus awaits you in the Sacrament of Mercy!

Lenten Confession on

Apr 14 & 15 (Mon & Tue), 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Apr 18 (Good Friday) 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.


Chrism Mass           Apr 16 (Wed) 5:00 p.m. at Holy Rosary Cathedral.  All are welcome.


Holy Week Liturgy

(all in English & Chinese except on Easter Sunday)


Apr 17          (Thu)  8:00 pm        Mass of the Lord’s Supper


Apr 18          (Fri)    3:00 pm        Good Friday

(1)      Fasting & Abstinence  From age of 14 are bound to abstain from meat.  Those from 18 years to the beginning of their 60th year are bound to fast i.e. no meat with only one full meal be taken.

(2)      The Holy Land Collection will be in support of the Christian communities, the Holy Land, the upkeep of the Holy Sites and  the formation of future priests.  Let us give generously and show solidarity to the needs of the Church in the land of Jesus.


Apr 19          (Sat)   9:00 pm        Easter Vigil (with adult baptism)


Apr 20          (Sun)  Easter Sunday

                    9:30 am        Chinese Mass

                    11:45 am      English Mass (with adult baptism)


Please note that there will be no morning Mass

on Apr 17-19 nor regular Mandarin Mass on Apr 19.


Year of Hope          So we do not lose heart.  Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.  For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen.  For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.”          (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)


Two Popes, Two Saints     On Divine Mercy Sunday, Apr 27, Pope John XXII and John Paul II will be canonized in Rome, and our Archdiocese will celebrate it at PNE’s Pacific Coliseum, starting with Grand Procession at 2:00 p.m. Divine Mercy at 2:30 p.m. and Mass at 3:00 p.m. with Archbishop Miller.  Please collect your reserved entrance tickets and pay your bus fare at $8 each after Mass today.  On that day, bus will leave at 12:20 p.m. and 12:45 p.m. sharp.  Please be on time.


Divine Mercy Sunday on April 27th

The late Pope John Paul II granted a Plenary Indulgence to the faithful for participation in this Feast of Mercy under the following conditions:

1)       Sacramental Confession 8 days prior to or after the Feast Day.

2)       Offer prayers for the intentions of the Pope.

3)       Receive Communion in a state of grace on Divine Mercy Sunday.  Sunday Mass fulfills this obligation.

4)       Participate in a special prayer service in honor of the Divine Mercy on that day or at least recite before the Blessed Sacrament an Our Father, the Creed and a devout prayer to Merciful Jesus: ¨Jesus, I trust in You.

To prepare for this Feast, please start the Divine Mercy Novena on Good Friday, April 18, 2014.


Easter Octave Twilight Retreat    Let your discouragement be transformed into joy and new found courage.  Apr 23 (Wed) 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. followed by Taize chants, immersing the soul in the simplicity of prayer and music at Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre.  Cost $30. Contact 604-576-8802.


Living and Leading by Faith  Archdiocesan Spring Institute offers one-day faith formation on Apr 26 at St. Patrick School, Vancouver from 10:00 a.m. - 4:0 p.m. Topics include Basics of the Faith, Core Catholic Life, Adolescent Development and more.  Cost $45 including lunch.  Register online


Finding God in All Things” Series        Catherine M. Kelly M. Div will facilitate them at St. Joseph the Worker Parish. Apr 28 on Praying with scripture, May 5 on Praying with your imagination and May 12 on Praying with God in your day.  $20/session, call or email Joe or Katherine at 604-484-4525 or


Is your Marriage in Crisis? Retrouvaille is a Catholic peer ministry which offers a two-month program for needed couples.  Apr 25-27 for lower mainland, call 604-530-6710.Lent



Friday, 4 April 2014

English Bulletin - 5th Sunday of Lent

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church Bulletin

5th Sunday of Lent – April 6, 2014


"For God, we are not number.  We are important; indeed we are the most important thing to Him.  Even if we are sinners, we are what is closest to His heart.?              ~ Pope Francis


Share Lent campaign on Global Hunger "In the poor and outcast we see Christ's face; by loving and helping the poor, we love and serve Christ". Through your generous donations this Sunday to Development and Peace, you are helping the poor, the marginalized and those who are suffering.


Jesus awaits you in the Sacrament of Mercy!   Lenten Confession on Apr 10 & 11 (Thu & Fri), 14 & 15 (Mon & Tue) starts at 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.


Palm Sunday

Apr 12          (Sat)   5:00 p.m.      Procession followed by Mandarin Mass

Apr 13          (Sun)  8:15 a.m.      Mass in Cantonese

                              9:50 a.m       Procession followed by Cantonese Mass

                              11:45 am      Procession followed by English Mass


Chrism Mass           Apr 16 (Wed) 5:00 p.m. at Holy Rosary Cathedral.  All are welcome.


Holy Week Liturgy


Apr 17          (Thu)  8:00 pm        Mass of the Lord's Supper (English & Chinese)


Apr  18         (Fri)    3:00 pm        Good Friday  (English & Chinese)


Apr 19          (Sat)   9:00 pm        Easter Vigil (with adult baptism)   (English & Chinese)


Apr 20          (Sun)  9:30 am        Easter Sunday (Chinese Mass)

                             11:45 am      Easter Sunday (English Mass with adult baptism)


Please note that there will be no morning Mass on Apr 17-19 nor regular Mandarin Mass on Apr 19.


Stations of the Cross (Communal) will be held on Apr 11 & 18 (Fridays), English at 7 p.m. and Chinese at 8 p.m.


The Lenten Recollection on Apr 12 (Sat)


(1) "Who is this Jesus?" and "Freed by His touch". What are your five loaves and two fishes? by Fr. Bryan Duggan, Assistant Director of Vocations starting at 6:30 pm. at Parish Hall.


(2)  One Hour with Jesus.  Mandarin retreat by Fr. Peter Chiang at 1:30 p.m., organized by Mandarin Legionaries.


Free of charge and everyone is welcome.


Two Popes, Two Saints

          On Divine Mercy Sunday, Apr 27, Pope John XXII and John Paul II will be canonized in Rome, and our Archdiocese will celebrate it at PNE's Pacific Coliseum, starting with Grand Procession at 2:00 p.m. Divine Mercy at 2:30 p.m. and Mass at 3:00 p.m. with Archbishop Miller and Canada's new nuncio Archbishop Luigi Bonazzi.

          Free tickets will be available and school bus will be arranged.  Please register at the Info Counter.  Wheelchair seating is available upon request. Please visit for more details.


RCIA - 3rd Rite of Scrutiny Please continue to pray for our elected who are preparing for their baptism this Easter.


Surviving Major Life Change  Denis Boyd, Registered Psychologist will discuss type of loss, signs of stress, survival strategies and meaningful solutions including humour on Apr 10 (Thu) from 6:00-9:00 p.m.  Call Stephanie Unrau at 604-945-1586 by Apr 2.  Light meal will be served.


Mary and the Passion        One day Lenten reflection with Fr. John Horgan on Apr 12 (Sat) from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at All Saints Parish, Coquitlam.  Bring your own bag lunch, coffee will be supplied.


Living and Leading by Faith  Archdiocesan Spring Institute offers one-day faith formation on Apr 26 at St. Patrick School, Vancouver from 10:00 a.m. - 4:0 p.m. Topics include Basics of the Faith, Core Catholic Life, Adolescent Development and more.  Cost $45 includes lunch.  Register online


Easter Octave Twilight Retreat    Let your discouragement be transformed into joy and new found courage.  Apr 23 (Wed) 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. followed by Taize chants, immersing the soul in the simplicity of prayer and music at Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre.  Cost $30 ($40 including light dinner served at 5:15 p.m.)  Contact 604-576-8802.Lent