Friday, 27 June 2014

English Bulletin - St. Peter and St. Paul Sunday

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church Bulletin

St. Peter and St. Paul – June 29, 2014


Year of Hope


“With regard to God, our poverty is our humble recognition and acceptance of our sinfulness, helplessness, and utter nothingness, and the acknowledgment of our neediness before Him, which expresses itself as hope in Him, as an openness to receive all things from Him as from our Father.”             ~    By Blessed Teresa of Calcutta


First Friday Mass & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament      Jul 4 (Fri).  Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:00 a.m. to 7:45 p.m. Vocations hour at 6:00 p.m., Benediction at 7:45 p.m. followed by Mass in Cantonese at 8:00 p.m.  Please sign up at the Info Counter. Divine Mercy Devotion will be held at 7:20 p.m.  Prayer intentions will be offered in the Mass.



Preparing for university starts from elementary school!  A summer faith-based “Soft Skill” camp, conducted by Patrick Chun Jr., UBC Broad-Based Admission Reader and Kitty Wong, etiquette teacher.  They will train your children from Grade 2 - 11 how to succeed in life with better appearance, manners and communication skills, which ultimately will help them getting into their favourite university.

Group A : Jul 21 - 25 and Group B: Jul 28 - Aug 1 (Mon-Fri), For Gr. 2-7 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. & for Gr. 8-11, from 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults  Catechetical program designed for those: (1) unbaptized persons, (2) baptized Christians of other denominations, and (3) Catholics with little formal study of the Faith.  We welcome all of you to our next session starting Sep 11 at 7:00 p.m. every Thursday.


T3 Thy Kingdom Come   Youth Faith Formation Program (YFFP) is accepting registrations for 2014-15.  Forms are available at the Info Counter.  Last day of early bird registration is Jul 31.  Class will start on Sep 17.


Congratulations to our Newly Baptized ~ Isaac Wong, Dylan (Marie) Azote, Kianne So & Alvin Fong


Sr. Herminia  She is on her annual vacation until July 4.  Sister is asked to be transferred to Albuquerque, New Mexico by her Provincial after that.  We thank sister for her service in our parish.  May God’s blessing be with her always!


Project Advance

* Parish  goal: $168,000 of which $44,000 goes to Archdiocese and $124,000 for parish debt.  Up-to-date pledge: $133,406 balance $34,594.

* Suggest each family $432 or $36/month.

Please pledge at the office or go online Thank you.


Summer Sale          will be held on Aug 23 (Sat).  Donation of new items are welcome.  Rental table are available at $25.


PLEASE DO NOT WEAR   Tank tops, hats/caps, sleeveless, low cut, belly-showing, shorts, mini-skirts, slippers/flip-flops inside Church at all times.


Vocations Live-In   for boys and young men interested in the priesthood or the consecrated life at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission on Jul 4-6 (Fri-Sun),  Info call 604-826-8715.


Activate your Baptism: A Three Series Event Come reflect, listen, pray and strengthen your faith with Rosemary Height’s Three Series Event by Sr. Maureen Kunz, RGS.  “God wants you” on Jul 19 (Sat) and “God loves you” on Jul 26 (Sat), both from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. both $50 includes lunch and snacks and “God needs you” on Sep 5-6 (Fri-Sat), $130/single occupancy, $110 double occupancy.  Register at or call 604-576-8802.


The Feminine Heart: An Evening with the Sisters of Life        Come spend time with the Sisters of Life, a thriving congregation of religious, based in the Bronx, NY, as they lead an evening of Eucharistic Adoration, prayer and Q & A on Jul 29 (Thu) from 6-9 p.m. at St. Patrick Parish, Van.  Visit or


Lectio Divina           Hear God speaking to us now in a passage of Scripture.  It has 4 parts: Reading of the Passage, Meditation on the Passage, Loving conversation with God and Silent Prayer of love for God.  Every Tuesday at St. John the Apostle Parish, Van. from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 


Youth Leader 2014  This dynamic Christian leadership training event is open to teens 14 or older to take leadership roles in their parishes, schools and communities.  Aug 11-15, Summit Park, Abbotsford. Register at


St. Paul School       has a few spaces available for the school year 2014-15.   Interested, please call 604-277-4487 or

Friday, 20 June 2014

English Bulletin - Body & Blood of Christ

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church Bulletin

Body and Blood of Christ – Jun 22, 2014


First Friday Mass & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament      Jul 4 (Fri).  Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:00 a.m. to 7:45 p.m. Vocations hour at 6:00 p.m., Benediction at 7:45 p.m. followed by Mass in Cantonese at 8:00 p.m.  Please sign up at the Info Counter. Divine Mercy Devotion will be held at 7:20 p.m.  Prayer intentions will be offered in the Mass.



Preparing for university starts from elementary school!  A summer faith-based "Soft skill" camp, conducted by Patrick Chun Jr., UBC Broad-Based Admission Reader and Kitty Wong, etiquette teacher.  They will train your children from Grade 2 - 11 how to succeed in life with better appearance, manners and communication skills, which ultimately will help them getting into their favourite university.

Group A : Jul 21 - 25 and Group B: Jul 28 - Aug 1 (Mon-Fri)

For Gr. 2-7 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. & for Gr. 8-11, from 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Registration at Info Counter.


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults  Catechetical program designed for those: (1) unbaptized persons, (2) baptized Christians of other denominations, and (3) Catholics with little formal study of the Faith.  We welcome all of you to our next session starting Sep 11 at 7:00 p.m. every Thursday.


T3 Thy Kingdom Come   Youth Faith Formation Program (YFFP) is accepting registrations for 2014-15.  Forms are available at the Info Counter.  Last day of early bird registration is Jul 31.  Class will start on Sep 17.


Summer Sale will be held on Aug 23 (Sat).  Donation of new items are welcome.  Rental table are available at $25.


Project Advance

* Parish  goal: $168,000 of which $44,000 goes to Archdiocese and $124,000 for parish debt.

          Up-to-date pledge: $132,176, balance $35,824.

* Suggest each family $432 or $36/month.

Please pledge at the office or go online Thank you.


Church Parking   Recently, there were cars parking on the restricted yellow line area which blocked the traffic.  Please do not park there and be considerate.


PLEASE DO NOT WEAR   Tank tops, hats/caps, sleeveless, low cut, belly-showing, shorts, mini-skirts, slippers/flip-flops inside Church at all times.


Vatican International Eucharistic Miracles of the World Exhibition     Historical panel exhibit depicting church-approved Miracles of the Eucharist including recently added miracles from Poland, Mexico, Venezuela & Buenos Aires.  Replica of the Holy Cup of Valencia, viewing of Eucharistic DVD. Memento table available.  Jun 21 (Sat) 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. & Jun 22 (Sun) 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.  (Sat & Sun) with Eucharist Procession at 3 p.m. at Good Shepherd Church, Surrey.


Open House of Gardens of Gethsemani Outdoor Mass at 4:00 pm on Jun 28 with Archbishop Miller followed by dedication of new feature statues and areas etc.  Contact 604-531-2141 for tickets.


Vocations Live-In   for boys and young men interested in the priesthood or the consecrated life at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission on Jul 4-6 (Fri-Sun),  Info call 604-826-8715.


Pilgrimage to Rose Prince This is the 65th anniversary since the death of Rose Prince.  Celebration on Jul 4-6 with guest speaker Fr. Garry Laboucane OMI in Prince George.  Please see notice board for details.


The Eucharist: From a Different Perspective  Terry McLaughlin, a professed Secular Franciscan will give a talk on Jul 5 (Sat) 9 am - 3 pm at Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre, cost $45 include lunch and snack.  Call 604-576-8802 or email


Lectio Divina Hear God speaking to us now in a passage of Scripture.  It has 4 parts: Reading of the Passage, Meditation on the Passage, Loving conversation with God and Silent Prayer of love for God.  Every Tuesday at St. John the Apostle Parish, Van. from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 


Pray for Iraq Archbishop Miller and the Iraqi community of our Archdiocese ask the faithful to fast and pray for peace in Iraq, where news organizations report the cleansing of Iraq Christians has tens of thousands of Christian families fleeing or trapped in their homes.  For more info visit


Archdiocesan Employment Opportunity


Facilities Manager   Responsible for building operation systems & maintenance of John Paul II Pastoral Centre.  Planning and preparing for the relocation of the John Paul II Pastoral Centre.


Director of Development    Seeking an experienced, dynamic, professional, full-time Director to lead and direct the development initiatives of the Archdiocese.


Line Cook/Baker Part-time position at Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre.


More info, see



Friday, 13 June 2014

English Bulletin - Holy Trinity

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church Bulletin

The Most Holy Trinity Sunday – June 15, 2014


Pro-Life Sunday   Today's second collection will help all Lower Mainland pro-life organizations to fund various initiatives such as aiding crisis pregnancy centers to assisting anti-euthanasia groups and university groups that bring about a Culture of Life in our world.  Thank you for your generosity.


"Wills, Powers of Attorney and Representation Agreements" What are they?  What they do? and What happens without them?  Our Knights of Columbus will host a free talk by Joe Peschisolido and his associates next Saturday at 10:00 am.  Interested please contact Michael Wong at 778-834-3333 or Dominic Eng at 604-271-1447.


U-Camp!       Preparing for university starts from elementary school!  A summer faith-based "Soft Skill" camp, conducted by Patrick Chun Jr., UBC Broad-Based Admission Reader and Kitty Wong, etiquette teacher.  They will train your children from Grade 2 - 11 how to succeed in life with better appearance, manners and communication skills, which ultimately will help them getting into their favourite university.  Group A : Jul 21 - 25 (Mon-Fri).  Group B: Jul 28 - Aug 1 (Mon-Fri). 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. for Gr. 2-4 / 5-7 & 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. for Gr. 8-11.  Registration at Info Counter.  Parent Briefing Session on Jun 21 (Sat) 2:15 - 4:15.


Project  Advance ~ "Live Gratefully, Give Generously"

* Parish  goal: $168,000 of which $44,000 goes to Archdiocese and $124,000 for parish debt. 

  Up-to-date pledge: $130,726, balance $37,274.

* Suggest each family $432 or $36/month.

Please pledge at the office or go online Thank you.


T3 Thy Kingdom Come   Youth Faith Formation Program (YFFP) is accepting registrations for 2014-15.  Forms are available at the Info Counter.  Last day of early bird registration is Jul 31.  Class will start on Sep 17.


Chalice Children sponsorship  Our parish has been sponsoring two children for years.  The new boy under our sponsorship is called Linus Mwenda Itharii of Kenya.  Please offer our prayers and see notice board for details.


Landscape Summer Job   Please contact Fr. Paul.


Congratulations to our Newly Baptized ~ Jonathan Limtong


Happy Father's Day May the Love and Grace of our Heavenly Father pour upon all fathers.


Year of Hope          "Lord, hear our prayer; Lord, we await." - this is the short chant our Choir sings for Prayer of the Faithful every Sunday, it is also our short prayer to God.  To 'wait' symbolizes our reliance and trust in God.  Our hope today is to let us realize what we need in life - not in a materialistic way, but spiritually.  We await and hope in God as we sing from the bottom of our hearts. (St. Mary's Choir)


Summer Sale          will be held on Aug 23 (Sat).  Donation of new items are welcome.  Rental table are available at $25.


Father's Day Mass            Remember our departed fathers on Father's Day.  Mass will be said this Sunday, 2:30 p.m. at  the Chapel - Gardens of Gethsemani, Surrey.


Morning of Recollection at Madonna House  A praying and reflection on "The Holy Trinity: A Community of Love" at St. John the Apostle Parish Hall on Jun 21 (Sat) 9:30 am to noon.  Bring your Bible and Rosaries and a friend.  Call 604-267-1757 or email


A Gift of Love: Introduction to Christian Meditation Presented by World Community for Christian Meditation-Canada on Jun 21 (Sat) 10 am - 4 pm at Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre.  Call 604-576-8802 or


Open House of Gardens of Gethsemani Outdoor Mass at 4:00 pm on Jun 28 with Archbishop Miller followed by dedication of new feature statues and areas etc.  Contact 604-531-2141 for tickets.


Vocations Live-In   for boys and young men interested in the priesthood or the consecrated life at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission on Jul 4-6 (Fri-Sun),  Info call 604-826-8715.


The Eucharist: From a Different Perspective  Terry McLaughlin, a professed Secular Franciscan and a candidate for the Permanent Diaconate will give a talk on Jul 5 (Sat) 9 am - 3 pm at Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre, cost $45 include lunch and snack.  Call 604-576-8802 or email


Pray for Iraq Archbishop Miller and the Iraqi community of our Archdiocese ask the faithful to fast and pray for peace in Iraq, where news organizations report the cleansing of Iraq's Christians has tens of thousands of Christian families fleeing or trapped in their homes.  For more info visit

Friday, 6 June 2014

English Bulletin - Pentecost Sunday

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church Bulletin

Pentecost Sunday – Jun 8, 2014


Stewardship Awareness Sunday  Today, the Archbishop invites us to rejoice in our collective gifts and affirm all those who use their time, talent and treasure to build up the Kingdom of God in our faith communities.  It’s a proper time to focus on the gifts of the Holy Spirit and how our lives are changed every time we say “YES” in service to others.  May Pentecost be a blessing to each of you and all those in your care.


Pro-Life Sunday   Jun 15 (next Sunday) a second collection will be taken to help all Lower Mainland pro-life organizations to fund various initiatives such as aiding crisis pregnancy centre to assisting anti-euthanasia groups and university groups that bring about a Culture of Life in our world.  Please give generously.


“Wills, Powers of Attorney and Representation Agreements” What are they?  What they do? and What happens without them?  Our Knights of Columbus will host a free talk by Joe Peschisolido and his associates on Jun 21 (Sat) 10:00 am.  Interested please contact Michael Wong at 778-834-3333 or Dominic Eng at 604-271-1447.


U-Camp!       Attention parents!  Preparing for university starts from elementary school!  A summer faith-based “Soft Skill” camp, conducted by Patrick Chun Jr., UBC Broad-Based Admission Reader and Kitty Wong, etiquette teacher, will train your children from Grade 2 - 11 how to succeed in life with better appearance, manners and communication skills, which ultimately will help them getting into their favourite university.  Coming this July.  Please enquire at Info Counter or refer to notice board. 


T3 Thy Kingdom Come   Youth Faith Formation Program (YFFP) is accepting registrations for 2014-15.  Forms are available at the Info Counter.  Last day of early bird registration is Jul 31.  Class will start on Sep 17.


Project  Advance

“Live Gratefully, Give Generously”

*         Parish goal: $168,000, of which $44,000 goes to Archdiocese and $124,000 for parish debt. Up-to-date pledge: $114,191, balance $53,809.


*         Suggestion: each family $432 or $36/month. Please pledge at the booths; take a pamphlet home; or go online Thank you.


Congratulations to our First Holy Communicants

Aiden Soliven          Candice Pereyras    Emma Samson       Gino Ezpeleta          Isaac Ruvalcaba      Jacob Balce           Jaden Leung

Keira Craig            Moses Cheung        Rene Saguin           Timothy Wan           Tyler Girvin             Xena Gutierrez        Xenia Gutierrez

Hannah Balce         Trinity Freiberg        Mark Ave                Gloria Yang             Sarah Li                  Cedric Yasay           Rachel Yang

Dalton Lambert       Andrew Balce         

Congratulations to our Newly Confirmed

Adrian Wu               Alexandra Lau-Vargas       Alison Azote  Angela Man            Caitlin Ylo     Charles Van            Claudia Shay

Eduardo Garcia       Franklin Ruvalcaba            Jamie Ello     Jasper Gumboc          Jerrin Chu     Leanne Mok            Marek Chu

Michelle Cheung      Norika Audrey So              Phoebe Lee  Rachel Yumol          Ryan Chong  Terence Cheung     Yolanda Chan


Health Tune-Up Day - June 14 (this Sat)  Organized by Fr. Josef Eugster New Foot Reflexology Volunteer Group and PCA.  Foot reflexology services will be provided.  Please register before Jun 10 (this Tue) at the Parish Office.


Landscape Summer Job   Please contact Fr. Paul.


Catholic Voices

Jun 9 (Mon) 7:30 pm - Jack Valero, co-founder of Catholic Voices will describe the unique approach to the New Apologetics since 2010, while Dr. Austen Ivereigh, will give a preview of his recent book, The Great Reformer at  Glenwood Study Centre, 4050 Osler St., Van.

Jun 10 (Tue) 7:00-9:00 pm.  Dr. Austen Ivereigh will speak on “Catholic Social Teaching, Pope Francis and The Call to Action” at St. Mary Parish School, Van. 


Morning of Recollection at Madonna House  A praying and reflection on “The Holy Trinity: A Community of Love” at St. John the Apostle Parish Hall on Jun 21 (Sat) 9:30 am to noon.  Bring your Bible and Rosaries... and a friend.  Call 604-267-1757 or email


A Gift of Love: Introduction to Christian Meditation      To experience the fullness of being, that is God’s life in us and among us.  Presented by World Community for Christian Meditation-Canada on Jun 21 (Sat) 10 am - 4 pm at Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre.  Register, call 604-576-8802 or visit


Vocations Live-In   for boys and young men interested in the priesthood or the consecrated life at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission on Jul 4-6 (Fri-Sun),  Info call 604-826-8715.