Friday, 25 January 2013

English Bulletin for 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church Bulletin

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Jan 27, 2013


First Friday Mass & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament        Feb 1 (Fri).  Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:00 am to 7:45 pm. Vocations hour at 6 pm, Benediction at 7:45 pm followed by Mass in Cantonese at 8:00 p.m.  Please sign up at the Info Counter.


Palm into Ash   Please bring back the palm of last year to be recycled into ash for Ash Wednesday on Feb 13.


Catholics Come Home


The first stage of the Catholics Come Home campaign has been a hit.  Now it’s time for Part 2, building on the momentum from the TV ads. You are invited to, where you will find a simple three-step process for sharing the CCH videos through Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube and email.  No one is in a better position than you to extend the reach of these ads social media, email and personal contacts.  Please pray for the success of this momentous campaign, as we head into its next stage.


Please Support:  You can help offset the cost of the TV commercials by using the special collection envelopes in your pew or parish office or donate online at


Life in the Spirit Seminar     Canadian Martyrs Prayer Group will hold a 4-week seminar at 7:00 p.m. every Saturday from Feb 2-23 at the parish hall.  Our members will be at the foyer after the Mass to answer your questions and distribute registration forms.


Youth Ministry         “Year of Faith” Retreat (Cantonese) will be held on Feb 3 (Sun) 1:00-5:00 p.m. in collaboration with WCCCLC.  Please refer to notice board for details.  All youths are welcome.


Lunar New Year Dinner  will be held on Feb 17  (Sun) evening at Continental Seafood Restaurant.  We have the honor of having Archbishop Miller and Bishop-elected Msgr. Jensen with us.  Your donation of new items for raffle will be appreciated.  Please drop them to the parish office.  Dinner ticket ($38 for adult and $28 for children) is available now.

CM Voice    Online version is available in parish web.


Important Second Collection    Parishes will be taking a Second Collection next weekend - Feb. 3. The Catholic Press collection is held once a year to help the parishes mail The B.C. Catholic weekly newspaper to Catholic homes. The collection is a way you can help reduce the parish's expenses, since every penny goes directly to the parish to offset the mailing costs.  On Feb. 3, please use the special Catholic Press Collection envelope in your envelope set to make a donation.


Sunday Mass   We will have another head count his Sunday and the next.


Quiet    Please remain quiet outside of the main door of the church after Mass.  Be considerate of people who stay praying inside.


2013 Donation Envelope    Please pick up your envelope before end of this month or it will be reassigned to the needy ones.


Knights of Columbus       Please  see notice board for Charity Appeal early bird draw result.


Permanent Diaconate  Men between the ages of 30 and 60,  would you like to know more about the Permanent Diaconate?  This new ministry in our Archdiocese is open to both single and married men. You (and your wife) are invited to hear Archbishop Miller speak at an information session at Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre, 3690 -152 St., Surrey, on  Feb 10 (Sun) at 1:30 pm.


Vocation Live-In     Feb 15 - 17.  For boys or young men interested in the priesthood or the consecrated life, at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission, BC.  For more info, call 604-826-8715.


World Day for Consecrated Life    Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, on Feb 2 (Sat) at 7 p.m. at Corpus Christi Parish, 6350 Nanaimo Street.


ONE Conference    The annual Archdiocesan conference - to inspire, unite, and empower Catholics in their faith and mission.  Hear from dynamic speaker Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, celebrate Mass with Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB and enjoy an evening concert by international recording artist Matt Maher.   Feb 16 (Sat) at the Vancouver Convention Centre.  Tickets: $45 for full conference package - Day Conference and Concert; $35 for Day Conference and $20 for Concert only.  Tickets are available at the parish office, JPII Pastoral Centre or online at RCAV.ORG/ONE. 


Save the Date  for a Diocesan Farewell Mass and Dinner for Bishop-elect Stephen Jensen on Mar 17 (Sun).  We’ll be bidding farewell to Prince George’s new bishop at St. Francis de Sales Church, Burnaby.  Mass is at 3:30 p.m., followed by a reception at 5:30 and dinner at 6 in the gym. Tickets will be available at parishes shortly.  Details phone 604-683-0281.


Friday, 18 January 2013

English Bulletin - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church bulletin

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – January 20, 2013


Prayer for Unity of Christians    The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be held from January 20 - 27.  All are invited to join with brothers and sisters of various Churches in ecumenical celebrations throughout the Archdiocese.  Come together as Christians, in prayer and song, giving witness to unity as followers of Christ.  The theme is “What does God require of us?” (Micah 6:6-8).     More info on or see notice board for details.


Catholics Come Home


(A)      If you have been away from the church, we welcome you back.  Perhaps you may like to know:-


*         You are not alone.  We as a community, we will walk with you and pray for you.

*         A free weekly “BC Catholic” will be mailed to you.  Please sign up at the Info Counter.

*         If you have any question about our church, look for our volunteer with a “Ask me” tag.

*         Confession is a way to be reconciled with God. It is proper to have confession before receiving Communion at Mass.

*         Our church is open during office hour.  You are welcome to pray here in weekdays.

*         Visit


(b)      Are you concerned about family and friends who aren’t practicing their faith?

(1) Prayer Box: Write their names down and put it into the box.  Mass will be offered for your intention. “There is nothing impossible for God.”

(2) Video:  Share a Catholics Come Home video and evangelize those you love, in just three simple steps:-

          1.       Go to

          2.       Click a button to share a Catholics Come Home video with friends and family.

          3.       Pray for conversions.


(C)     Please Support:  You can help offset the cost of the TV commercials by using the special collection envelopes in your pew or parish office or donate online at

Life in the Spirit Seminar     Canadian Martyrs Prayer Group will hold a 4-week seminar at 7:00 p.m. every Saturday from Feb 2-23 at the parish hall.  Our members will be at the foyer after the Mass to answer your questions and distribute registration forms.


Youth Ministry         “Year of Faith” Retreat (Cantonese) will be held on Feb 3 (Sun) 1:00-5:00 p.m. in collaboration with WCCCLC.  Please refer to notice board for details.  All youths are welcome.


2013 Donation Envelope  is now available at the foyer. It will be reassigned to the needy ones if you do not claim it by the end of this month.


Lunar New Year Dinner will be held on Feb 17  (Sun) evening.  Your donation of new items for raffle will be appreciated.  Please drop them to the parish office.  Ticket $38 for adult and $28 for children will be available next week.


Chinese New Year Cakes    Last chance for your order.  Please place it before 11:45 a.m. Sunday.


CM Voice                The Jan and Feb issue has been printed, please get one at the Info Counter.

Is God Calling You to the Permanent Diaconate  Men between the ages of 30 and 60,  would you like to know more about the Permanent Diaconate?  This new ministry in our Archdiocese is open to both single and married men. You (and your wife) are invited to hear Archbishop Miller speak at an information session at Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre, 3690 -152 St., Surrey, on  Feb 10 (Sun) at 1:30 pm.


Migrants and Refugees, Welcome Home   Archbishop J. Michael Miller CSB will celebrate Holy Mass for migrants and refugees at the Holy Rosary Cathedral this Sunday, Jan 20 at 2:30 p.m.  All are welcome.  A cultural reception will follow in the cathedral hall.


Vocation Live-In     Feb 15 - 17.  For boys or young men interested in the priesthood or the consecrated life, at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission, BC.  For more info, call 604-826-8715.


Red Mass for the Legal and Judicial Community   Jan 24 (Thu) at 5:10 pm at Holy Rosary Cathedral in Vancouver.  Main celebrant is Cardinal Collins of Toronto.  Visit


World Day for Consecrated Life    Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, on Feb 2 (Sat) at 7 p.m. at Corpus Christi Parish, 6350 Nanaimo Street, Vancouver.

Friday, 11 January 2013

English Bulletin - Baptism of the Lord

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church Bulletin

Baptism of the Lord – January 13, 2013


Catholics Come Home


If you have been away from the church, we welcome you back.  Perhaps you may like to know:-


*         You are not alone.  We as a community, we will walk with you and pray for you.

*         A free gift of our weekly paper “BC Catholic” will be mailed to you.  Please sign up at the booth.

*         If you have any question about our community, look for the volunteer with a “Ask me” tag.

*         Confession is a way to be reconciled with God.  It is proper to have confession before receiving Communion at Mass.

*         Our church is open during office hour.  You are welcome to pray here in weekdays.

*         Visit

*         Prayer Box: Write the name of the Catholics whom you like to be coming back to church, and put it into the box.  Mass will be offered for your intention.  “There is nothing impossible for God.”

Parish Pastoral Council    will be held on Jan 18 (Fri) 7:30 p.m.  Each parish group should send at least one member to the meeting.


Life in the Spirit Seminar     Canadian Martyrs Prayer Group will hold a 4-week seminar at 7:00 p.m. every Saturday, from Feb 2-23 at the parish hall.  Our members will be at the foyer after the Mass to answer your questions and distribute registration forms.


Youth Ministry         “Year of Faith” Retreat (Cantonese) will be held on Feb 3 (Sun) 1:00-5:00 p.m. in collaboration with WCCCLC.  Please refer to notice board for details.  All youths are welcome.

Year of Faith and Health Care


Pope Benedict XVI declared a Year of Faith from Oct 11, 2012 to Nov 24, 2013 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th year anniversary of the issue of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  The Year of Faith has a special meaning for health care providers and for those who are elderly or sick.  Brochures can be picked up at the info counter.


Offertory at Sunday Mass - 2013 If you would like to do the offertory,  please sign up the registry at the Info Counter.


Lunar New Year Dinner  will be held on Feb 17  (Sun) evening.  Your donation of new items for raffle will be appreciated.  Please drop them to the parish office.  Ticket $38 for adult and $28 for children.


Chinese New Year Cakes    Orders will be accepted on Jan 12 &19 (Sat) evening Masses and Jan 13 & 20 (Sun) between Sunday Masses. Thank you for your support.


2013 Donation Envelope    is now available at the entrance of courtyard.


Prayer for Unity of Christians    The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be held from January 20 - 27.  All are invited to join with brothers and sisters of various Churches in ecumenical celebrations throughout the Archdiocese.  Come together as Christians, in prayer and song, giving witness to unity as followers of Christ.  The theme is “What does God require of us?” (Micah 6:6-8).  Contact Marjeta Bobnar for details: 604-683-0281; email


Migrants and Refugees, Welcome Home   "I was a stranger and you welcomed me." (Mt 25:35)  The Archdiocese of Vancouver is home to Catholics from many countries and here the Holy Mass is celebrated in 22 languages.  As Christians, we are called to reach out to and pray for all migrants to emphasize the unity of the human family and the values of acceptance, hospitality and love.  Archbishop J. Michael Miller CSB will celebrate Holy Mass at the Holy Rosary Cathedral on Sunday, Jan 20 (Sun) at 2:30 p.m.  All are welcome.  A cultural reception will follow in the cathedral hall.


St. Patrick Regional Secondary School   Open House on Jan 20 (Sun) at 1:00 p.m.  Deadline: Feb 7.  There is no entrance exam.  For more info, visit under “About Our School”.


Care for Creation, A Franciscan Spirituality of the Earth   Presented by Sr. Ilia Delio, O.S.F. PhD on Jan 18, 7-9 p.m. at St. Joseph the Worker; followed by workshop: Christ in Evolution on Jan 19, 9:30-3:30.  Please bring lunch, refreshments served.  Please register early by emailing or call 604-272-4779.


Ignatian Retreat for Young Adults  A full day of prayer, reflection, and talks by Fr. John McCarthy, Fr. Elton Fernandes, Fr. William Mbugua and John O’Brien, S.J. at St. Mark’s Parish/College on Jan 26. 

Friday, 4 January 2013

bulletin Epiphany of the Lord

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Bulletin

Epiphany of the Lord – January 06,2013


Prayer for Unity of Christians   

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be held from January 20 - 27.  All are invited to join with brothers and sisters of various Churches in ecumenical celebrations throughout the Archdiocese.  Come together as Christians, in prayer and song, giving witness to unity as followers of Christ.  The theme is “What does God require of us?” (Micah 6:6-8).  Contact Marjeta Bobnar for details: 604-683-0281; email


Catholics Come Home

If you have been away from the church, we welcome you back.  Perhaps you may like to know:-

* You are not alone.  We as a community, we will walk with you and pray

   for you.

* A free gift of our weekly paper “BC Catholic” will be mailed to you.  Please

   sign up at the booth.

* If you have any question about our community, look for the volunteer

   with a “Ask me” tag.

* Confession is a way to be reconciled with God.  It is proper to have

   confession before receiving Communion at Mass.

* Our church is open during office hour.  You are welcome to pray here in


* Visit

* Prayer Box: Write the name of the Catholics whom you like to be coming 

   back to church, and put it into the box.  Mass will be offered for your

   intention.  “There is nothing impossible for God.”


Thank You   

Fr. Paul, Fr. Francis & Fr. Peter would like to thank everyone who have sent them Christmas cards and gifts.  May God reward your kindness, and please continue to pray for vocation.


Parish Pastoral Council   

will be held on Jan 18 (Fri) 7:30 p.m.  Each parish group should send at least one member to the meeting.


Lunar New Year Dinner   

will be held on Feb 17 evening.  Your donation of new items for raffle will be appreciated.  Please drop them to the parish office.


Chinese New Year Cakes   

To celebrate the Year of the Snake, our volunteers will be making and selling traditional Chinese New Year cakes.  We will receive orders on Jan 12 &19 (Sat) evening Masses and Jan 13 & 20 (Sun) between Sunday Masses. Thank you for your support.


Parish Registration 

 We encourage newcomers and families (especially those with children in our catechism class) to register at our parish. Those who have changed address or telephone number, please contact Info Counter or Parish Office.


2013 Donation Envelope

is now available at the entrance of courtyard.


Offertory at Sunday Mass - 2013          

If you would like to do the offertory e.g. in your day of significance, please sign up the registry at the Info Counter.  First come first serve, and each one is limited to once a year.


Vocation Cross 

goes around to different families.  This is to encourage families to pray for Vocations.  Please sign up at the Info donation, please contact Parish Office.


The Human Person in the Likeness of God  

Theology of the Body is John Paul II's teaching on love, life and human sexuality.  Discover God’s original design for us, our call to holiness, and our destiny with him in heaven.  Fr. Alan Boisclair will present an eleven week course starting Jan 7 (Mon) at St. John the Apostle Parish, Vancouver; Jan 8 at St. Clare of Assisi Parish, Coquitlam; Jan 9 (Wed) at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Vancouver.  Cost $80, includes the textbook “Man and Woman, He Created Them - Theology of the Body.”  More information and registration at

The Challenges of Migration in the Church      

A day of workshop will be led by Rev. Ramiro Sanchez Chan CS and Rev. Gianantonioi Baggio CS, Associate Pastor of St. Helen Parish, Burnaby.  Jan 12 (Sat), 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Vancouver.  Sponsored by Missionaries of St. Charles.  Lunch and snacks provided, call 604-254-0691.


The Archdiocese goes mobile!  

Find out what’s happening in the Archdiocese.  The Archdiocese of Vancouver has created an App for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices that enables Catholics to find churches, Mass and confession times, and other information in a convenient mobile friendly format.  Please visit or facebook at