Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church bulletin
Easter Sunday – March 31, 2013
Welcome to Our New Catholics
"Grace and peace be yours in abundance."(1 Pet 1:2)
Divine Mercy Sunday - April 7th
A Plenary Indulgence will be granted to the faithful who participate in this Feast of Mercy under the following conditions:
1. Sacramental Confession 8 days prior to or after the Feast Day.
2. Offer prayers for the intentions of the Pope.
3. Receive Communion in a state of grace on Divine Mercy Sunday. Sunday Mass fulfills this obligation.
4. Participate in a special prayer service in honor of the Divine Mercy on that day or at least recite before the Blessed Sacrament an Our Father, The Creed and devout prayer to Merciful Jesus:
"Jesus, I trust in You." Divine Mercy Devotion will be held at our Church on April 7th at 3:00 pm in Cantonese. All are welcome.
First Friday Mass & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Apr 5 (Fri). Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:00 am to 7:45 pm. Vocations hour at 6 pm, Benediction at 7:45 pm followed by Mass in Cantonese at 8:00 p.m. Please sign up at the Info Counter.
Catholics Come Home Christ is risen. Let come to adore Him. It is never too late to share the new life in Christ.
Congratulation Elizabeth Capper Wong on her 100th birthday on Easter Monday, many years to come!
CM Voice Colour version is available online at our website Also, your contribution of articles is always welcome.
Catholic Movie - Chiara & Francesco Let's join together to reflect on the life of St. Francis, whose name and life, our current Pope Francis choses. St. Francis came from a very rich family, but God called him to a life of poverty and service for His Church and people. We will all have a chance to learn how to live a life of obedience and doing the will of God. Apr 13 (Sat), 7 - 10 p.m. at room A and B.
New Prayer Book is available at Gift Shop.
Rest in Peace - Margaret Chen
Feast of the Divine Mercy at Holy Rosary Cathedral Apr 7 (Sun) is the feast of the Divine Mercy, and all are invited to attend a special Archdiocesan celebration at Holy Rosary Cathedral. Archbishop J. Michael Miller will celebrate Mass at 2:30 p.m., in thanksgiving for the Petrine ministry of Pope Francis. Representatives of Christian Churches, Ecclesial Communities and faith traditions will also be in attendance. A reception will follow in Holy Rosary Hall. Please spread the word!
Vocation Live-In Apr 12-14 weekend at Seminary of Christ the King. Visit for more info.
EWTN Catholic TV station EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) is available free in Shaw 167 and Telus 160 till April 30.
Is Your Marriage in Crisis Retrouvaille is Your Answer. For confidential information or to register for the program beginning the weekend of April 19 - 21, call 604-530-6710, email or visit;
Stewardship What is it, and why do we need it? Mike Murphy of the international Catholic Stewardship Council will present practical examples and best practices. All interested parishioners are welcome. St. Francis Xavier Church, Vancouver on Apr 13 (Sat) 9 a.m. $25 includes lunch and breaks. E-mail for further information.
Come and be healed by the power of God Let Him renew your mind, body and spirit. Mustard Seed Healing Ministry invites you to a Healing Prayer Service on Apr 13 after the 5 p.m. Mass at Our Lady of Mercy Parish, 7455 - 10th Avenue, Burnaby. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed during the entire service. For information call 778-688-4752.
Discovering Christ Experience a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through discussion, DVD and dinner at St. Francis de Sales Parish, Burnaby. Scheduled on Wednesdays from Apr 17 - May 29 at 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Pre-registration required. Called 604-434-1328 or email
Palliative Care Sedation by Dr. Stuart Brown Hosted by the Catholic Physicians' Guild, a presentation on Palliative Care Sedation by Dr. Stuart Brown will be held on Apr 27(Sat) at Cartier Parish Hall, W. 38th Ave. following the 5 p.m. anticipatory Mass at Sts. Peter & Paul Church, Vancouver. All healthcare providers are welcome. Light supper by donation.
Rachel's Vineyard Retreat Grieving your abortion losses. Retreat from May 3 - 5, call 604-525-0999.