Friday, 2 November 2012

English Bulletin - 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church Bulletin

31st  Sunday in Ordinary Time – Nov 4, 2012


Peter’s Pence         The second collection this Sunday is for the charitable work of the Holy See.  Visit for its history.  Please be generous.


Annual Mass for Deceased Bishops, Priests and Religious     The annual Mass for deceased bishops, priests and religious will be held at Holy Rosary Cathedral, Nov 8 (Thu), at 12:10 p.m.  All parishioners are most welcome at this special liturgy to be concelebrated by the priests of the Archdiocese.  Kindly remember in your prayers those who have laboured for the Church in Vancouver and pray that the Lord will send more dedicated men and women to continue their work.


REMEMBRANCE OF ALL SOULS   November is the month to remember all our departed family members, brothers & sisters and friends.  Please pick the “All Souls Day Remembrance” envelopes and drop into the collection basket during mass or return to parish office. One mass per envelope will be offered except indicated.


Year of Faith Archbishop has written a Prayer for Evangelization marking the Year of Faith, prayer cards can be picked up at Info Counter.  On it you will see Peter turning to Jesus in repentance and faith (Lk 5:1-11).  The Archbishop encourages all individuals, groups and communities to recite this prayer, asking God for the conversion of hearts and minds.


Oliver B. Malana Sr. - Rest in Peace


Permanent Deacon    The Archdiocese will soon be accepting applications for a second group of men wishing to explore the call to be Permanent Deacons. Archbishop Miller will speak at two information sessions: Sunday, November 18, at 2 p.m. at St. Andrew Kim Parish in Surrey and Tuesday, November 20, at 8:00 p.m. at Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Vancouver.   All interested men and their wives are encouraged to find out more about this vocation and the formation process.


Vocation Live-In      for boys or young men interested in priesthood or the consecrated life.  Nov 16-18 (Fri-Sun).  Call 604-826-8975 Fr. Dumont.


Canadian Chinese Marriage Encounter Assn. 16th Anniversary       Thanksgiving Mass by the Archbishop.   Nov 18 (Sun) at St. Francis Xavier Church.  AGM: 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.  Mass at 6:00 p.m.  Dinner at 7:00 p.m.  Cost: $38 ($20 Tax receipt from Archdiocese Vancouver).  To purchase dinner ticket call Goretti 604-275-8894.


Catholic Apologetics Seminar   Do you want to be equipped to defend your Faith?  Are you eager to witness and explain your Faith?  Presentation by outstanding speakers, Kyle Neilson - Director of the Office of Evangelization; Paved Reid - Director of Catholic Family Services and Graham Osborne - BC Catholic columnist and Catholic apologist.  Saturdays, Nov 10, 17 and 24 from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at St. Mary’s Parish, 5251 Joyce Street, Vancouver.


How to Pray for Your Sons, Daughters and Loved Ones           Have your loved ones stopped practicing the faith?  Do they no longer believe in God?  Then this seminar is for you.  Seminar by Vernon Robertson will be held at St. Francis de Sales Church, 6610 Balmoral St., Burnaby on Nov 16, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. and Nov 17, 10 am - 4 pm.  Pre-register to receive your free manual at or call 604-460-0114.


End-of-Life Planning Workshop       Facilitated by the Respect Life Office and Catholic Health Association of BC, a panel discussion will be held on topics such as Advance Care Planning, Nutrition and Hydration and Palliative Care.  Nov 8, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. at Corpus Christi Parish, 6350 Nanaimo Street, Vancouver.  Call 604-683-0281 for more information.


Increase the Confidence, Competence and Commitment of your Ministry   Join us for an informative session related to our prized Catholic Social Teaching principles.  The Office of Service & Justice welcomes Shelley MacDonell, MRE who will lead us a discussion to the importance of Catholic Social Teaching and how they can mobilize your ministries and parish groups.  The workshops will be hosted as follows:-

Nov 13 (7 - 9 pm) at Our Lady of Mercy,

Nov 15 (10 am - 12 noon) at St. Francis de Sales and Nov 15 (7 - 9 pm) at Immaculate Conception, Vancouver. Please call 604-0281 or email


St. Anthony of Padua School       has limited spaces available from Kindergarten to Grade 7 for the school year 2012-13.  Registration packages are available at St. Anthony of Padua School or on website or call 604-261-4043 for more information.


Pro-Life Politics - Canadian style  Can the issue of pro-life be raised during election campaigns without scaring off the electorate?  What are the winnable Life issues without abandoning the principles?    John Hof will lead the discussion on Nov 18 (Sun)at the Irish Heather, 210 Carrall Street, Vancouver.. Dinner 6:30 p.m. followed by talk. Cost $5 per person.

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