Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church Bulletin
Baptism of the Lord – January 13, 2013
Catholics Come Home
If you have been away from the church, we welcome you back. Perhaps you may like to know:-
* You are not alone. We as a community, we will walk with you and pray for you.
* A free gift of our weekly paper “BC Catholic” will be mailed to you. Please sign up at the booth.
* If you have any question about our community, look for the volunteer with a “Ask me” tag.
* Confession is a way to be reconciled with God. It is proper to have confession before receiving Communion at Mass.
* Our church is open during office hour. You are welcome to pray here in weekdays.
* Visit
* Prayer Box: Write the name of the Catholics whom you like to be coming back to church, and put it into the box. Mass will be offered for your intention. “There is nothing impossible for God.”
Parish Pastoral Council will be held on Jan 18 (Fri) 7:30 p.m. Each parish group should send at least one member to the meeting.
Life in the Spirit Seminar Canadian Martyrs Prayer Group will hold a 4-week seminar at 7:00 p.m. every Saturday, from Feb 2-23 at the parish hall. Our members will be at the foyer after the Mass to answer your questions and distribute registration forms.
Youth Ministry “Year of Faith” Retreat (Cantonese) will be held on Feb 3 (Sun) 1:00-5:00 p.m. in collaboration with WCCCLC. Please refer to notice board for details. All youths are welcome.
Year of Faith and Health Care
Pope Benedict XVI declared a Year of Faith from Oct 11, 2012 to Nov 24, 2013 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th year anniversary of the issue of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Year of Faith has a special meaning for health care providers and for those who are elderly or sick. Brochures can be picked up at the info counter.
Offertory at Sunday Mass - 2013 If you would like to do the offertory, please sign up the registry at the Info Counter.
Lunar New Year Dinner will be held on Feb 17 (Sun) evening. Your donation of new items for raffle will be appreciated. Please drop them to the parish office. Ticket $38 for adult and $28 for children.
Chinese New Year Cakes Orders will be accepted on Jan 12 &19 (Sat) evening Masses and Jan 13 & 20 (Sun) between Sunday Masses. Thank you for your support.
2013 Donation Envelope is now available at the entrance of courtyard.
Prayer for Unity of Christians The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be held from January 20 - 27. All are invited to join with brothers and sisters of various Churches in ecumenical celebrations throughout the Archdiocese. Come together as Christians, in prayer and song, giving witness to unity as followers of Christ. The theme is “What does God require of us?” (Micah 6:6-8). Contact Marjeta Bobnar for details: 604-683-0281; email
Migrants and Refugees, Welcome Home "I was a stranger and you welcomed me." (Mt 25:35) The Archdiocese of Vancouver is home to Catholics from many countries and here the Holy Mass is celebrated in 22 languages. As Christians, we are called to reach out to and pray for all migrants to emphasize the unity of the human family and the values of acceptance, hospitality and love. Archbishop J. Michael Miller CSB will celebrate Holy Mass at the Holy Rosary Cathedral on Sunday, Jan 20 (Sun) at 2:30 p.m. All are welcome. A cultural reception will follow in the cathedral hall.
St. Patrick Regional Secondary School Open House on Jan 20 (Sun) at 1:00 p.m. Deadline: Feb 7. There is no entrance exam. For more info, visit under “About Our School”.
Care for Creation, A Franciscan Spirituality of the Earth Presented by Sr. Ilia Delio, O.S.F. PhD on Jan 18, 7-9 p.m. at St. Joseph the Worker; followed by workshop: Christ in Evolution on Jan 19, 9:30-3:30. Please bring lunch, refreshments served. Please register early by emailing or call 604-272-4779.
Ignatian Retreat for Young Adults A full day of prayer, reflection, and talks by Fr. John McCarthy, Fr. Elton Fernandes, Fr. William Mbugua and John O’Brien, S.J. at St. Mark’s Parish/College on Jan 26.
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