Friday 17 October 2014

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (World Mission Sunday)-Bulletin

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Bulletin

Oct. 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (World Mission Sunday)


World Mission Sunday  

This Sunday, we are reminded of our mission to pray and work for the Evangelization of Nations. The national collection today is given to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith which distributes the funds to every mission bishop to assist in the day-to-day expenses of operating the diocese as well as special projects, such as building churches/chapels, healthcare clinics, and training and support catechists.  It is the responsibility of all believers to spread the Gospel and share in the mission of the Church.


Year of Hope

When God reveals Himself and calls him, man cannot fully respond to the divine love by his own powers.  He must hope that God will give him the capacity to love Him in return and to act in conformity with the commandments of charity.  Hope is the confident expectation of divine blessing and the beatific vision of God.”

~ Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church (#2090)



November is the month to remember all our departed family members, brothers & sisters and friends.  Please pick the “All Souls Day Remembrance” envelopes and drop into the collection basket during Mass or return to parish office. One Mass per envelope will be offered except indicated.



You are invited to say Rosary together in October. Please come 25 minutes before every Sunday Masses (except 8:15 a.m.)


Fr. Paul  

will be off to attend a Convention in Lima, Peru from Oct 23, and return on Nov 5.  We thank again for Frs. Chang and Chiang for their extra help during this time.


Project Advance 

Please go online for your pledge.


Advance English with Soft Skills Program    

will commence on the first week of  November, Wed 4:00-6:00 p.m. or Sat 2:00-4:00 p.m. for grade 3-10.  Please register at parish counter, 9:00-11:00 a.m. (Mon - Fri).


White Ribbon Against Pornography Campaign   

Our Parish’s Catholic Women’s League (Chinese & English) will be promoting this campaign on Oct 25th & 26th (Sat & Sun).  Please support the National Campaign by signing your name and address on the Petition Form.  Forms will be sent to Members of Parliament addressing our concern about the proliferation of internet pornography.  Parishioners are also encouraged to wear white ribbons to support this Campaign.


Annual Mass for Deceased Clergy and Religious   

Nov 6 (Thu) 12:10 p.m. at Holy Rosary Cathedral.  All are welcome.


National Pro-Life Conference 2014: Loving Life Now

Come and join us at Delta Hotel, Richmond, from  Oct 23 (Thu) to Oct 25 (Sat) for it.  This is co-sponsored by LifeCanada and other provincial prolife groups.


Hallowtide Triduum  

All Hallows' (Saints) Eve begins a three-day candlelight vigil, Oct 31 (Fri) at 7pm.  Join your community in prayer and help us light up the Gardens of Gethsemani cemetery with a three-day prayer vigil for those who have gone before us.  All Souls' Vigil Mass with Archbishop Miller, Nov 1 (Sat) at 7pm.  All Souls' Day Mass, Nov 2 (Sun) at 2 pm.  Candles to be placed on your loved ones grave are available at or available for purchase on site at the office or chapel, 604-531-2141.


Third Annual Archbishop's Dinner  

Oct 28 (Tue), dinner 7pm, Hyatt Regency, Vancouver.  Tickets $150 per person.  For tickets visit


Silent Live-In Retreat  

for women interested in Discerning a call to Religious Life.  Nov 7 (Fri),7:00  p.m.   to Nov 9 (Sun), 3:30 p.m..  For info or to register contact Sr. Denece 604-985-4872 (


Man Alive  

Man Alive is back. This year it's an evening model, short and sweet. Join the Archbishop, 30 priests, and 800 other men, Friday, Nov 7, at St. Patrick's Parish in Vancouver, 7:30 pm start, for a powerful evening with speaker Matt Fradd.  Tickets are $10 and available at


Awaken My Spirit O Lord!  

Community of the Risen Lord Vancouver prayer group hosting a spiritual deepening retreat by Lalith Perera and CRL team from Sri Lanka.  Wednesday, Oct 22, from 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm, St. Joseph The Worker Church, Richmond.  Register by contacting Ashanti 604-526-9910.

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