Friday 5 September 2014

English Bulletin - 23rd Ordinary

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church – Church Bulletin

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Sept. 7, 2014



Commissioning of Catechists    This Sunday we will commission our catechists to work for the Lord in our parish.  Please support them in your prayers.


Year of Hope

A Musical Experience

How does one define hope?  In a world where there seems to be so much hopelessness, hope can feel like nothing more than a distant and elusive concept.  However, when we reflect on global issues that don’t directly affect us, we begin to see that our lives are far more blessed than we acknowledge.  We begin to see the beauty of each little blessing, the value of every day, and the promise of Christ’s resurrection, where we can now act as stewards of God's love to bring hope to the world.

On Sept 28th , 7:00 p.m., our talented young members of the community will present HOPE - A Musical Experience here in celebration of the Year of Hope and the Feast of the Canadian Martyrs. Join us for a night of beautiful music and hear God’s message of Hope.

Free tickets are available.  Seats are limited!  If you’ve secured your tickets but decide not to attend, please return the ticket so that someone else can avail of the opportunity.


T3 Thy Kingdom Come   Youth Faith Formation Program (YFFP) is accepting registrations for 2014-15.   Class will start on Sep 17.


What Catholics Believe?  Catechetical program designed for those: (1) unbaptized persons, (2) baptized Christians of other denominations, and (3) Catholics with little formal study of the Faith.  We welcome all of you to our next RCIA session starting Sep 11 at 7:00 p.m. every Thursday.


"Strike Rescue" Initiative   Frustrated with ‘Teacher Strike’!!! ??  It is time to embrace the habits of academic learning again. Join us to better your English skills by attending a FULL DAY, 5 DAYS per WEEK ‘Strike Rescue’ learning program starting Monday Sept 8 from 8:45am-3:00pm conducted by Kitty Wong and Patrick Chun, the instructors for 2014 summer "U-Camp" here. $50 per day. Suitable for new English learner from beginner to lower intermediate (4 years or less), or native English-speakers who don't know grammar well.


Parish Religious Education Program (PREP)     Registration is ongoing for students in elementary and junior high grades.  Registration forms are available at the Info Counter.  Students who were enrolled last year are asked to please re-register early.  Knowing our class sizes in advance is helpful.  Class will start this Wednesday Sept 10, 7 p.m.


Scripture Sessions   Fr. Peter Chiang will be teaching in Mandarin scriptural topics and Catholicism matters, on Saturdays from 3:25 - 4:15 p.m. in Rooms A and B.  All Mandarin speaking parishioners and friends are welcome. 


Liturgy of the Word with Children (LWC)  will resume on Sep 14.


Project Advance  Please go online for your pledge.


Archdiocesan Redemptoris Mater Seminary   Help is needed to furnish the new seminary. Take a brochure today and you can find ways to donate or by giving an envelope to the seminarians for the purchase of furniture. Thank you.


Third Annual Archbishop's Dinner   This dinner will benefit the Archdiocesan Service and Justice Programs which assist refugees, migrant workers and the Prison Ministry. Tuesday, Oct 28, dinner 7pm, Hyatt Regency, Vancouver. Tickets $150 per person. For tickets contact 604-683-0281 ext.238 or visit


Westminster Abbey   On Sunday, Sept. 14, all are invited to be present at a Mass in the Abbey Church at 10am, to mark the Diamond (75th) Jubilee of the Abbey’s foundation. Lunch available after Midday Prayer. Program begins at 1:30pm in the gymnasium. RSVP with the number of attendees by Sept 12. Email or phone 604-826-8975.


Volunteers   St. Mary's Street Ministry reaches out to the vulnerable women, the homeless and the addicted in the Lower Mainland.  They will be coming to our parish at the end of the 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday September 14.  For those who are interested to find out what they do and perhaps volunteer to serve Jesus in the poor, please drop by their booth next Sunday.


Retreat on the Eucharist    Fr. Anthony Ho will give a talk on “Comforting the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus” on Sep 13 (Sat) from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Vancouver.  More info contact the Eucharistic Apostolate of Vancouver at 604-526-0178.




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